We offer this information of those whom we believe offer interesting websites for American Culture International Relations and World Information Networking. We offer this information as a service to our friends of TJ Morris and as the ACE GUIDE. We have incorporated our future resources on several websites as A New News., American News Magazine., TJMorris at, Theresa Morris at, Ohio Country Reporter at, and are a Not For Profit Private Association called
ACE FOLKLIFE which was created to share Art, Culture, Education, Folklife.
Since the inception in Hawaii 1990-1994, Ascension Center has grown with the Global Community from World Information Network expositions and conventions to Global Information Network on the Internet Highway. We offer the Metaphysical Institute in Australis through out colleague and associate Ian Stone, and the American Metaphysical Institute in Atlanta, Ga. USA of Dr. William Lester, Ph.d..
We choose to honor our Founders privacy clause and the Ascension Center Education is now the ACE Guide and Resource of which travels universally with TJ Morris tm in International Marketing and Manufacturing in spirit.
There is a goal to have a universal spaceport. There is a goal to support the earth space renaissance. There is a goal to share in networking the growth and future of all on earth and in space with health and prosperity.
We support everything, everywhere, everytime if it is of good report think on these things. TJ Morris tm
Each website will have it's on trademark and disclaimer legal portion for those who are interested in copyrights and public use. We only support those who are approved by TJ Thurmond Morris, Founding Publisher. TJ Morris ACIR
Online Class: UFO Studies
Unravel the Many Secrets and Mysteries Surrounding UFOs
Enroll today! This is a self-paced, online course. You have 6 months to finish. An instructor will monitor your progress and assess your body of work at course completion.
Course Cost: 6 Month Subscription
Basic Course (no certificate) = $30.00
Course with Certificate & CEUs = $55.00
1.0 CEUs
Continuing Education Units
The actual sightings of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and interest in the paranormal are at an all time high. An insurmountable amount of evidence is available from many resources including eye witness accounts, photographs, paranormal studies, and pilots and aviation experts.
The goal of this online course is to study some of these UFO phenomena around the world, present UFO Case Studies as accurately as possible, and encourage students to contemplate the idea that we have been visited from another planet by intelligent life.
The course provides documented material, videos and netlinks. The instructor will be reviewing your assignments and is available for questions. Take this course and with the information provided, you'll be able to decide for yourself if there is a real phenomenon at work that warrants more scientific investigation by people willing to share their information with the public.
Earn a certificate and CEUs upon successful completion (additional shipping/handling charges apply for hard copy delivery). UniversalClass™ offers many wonderful learning tools to help you get the most out of your online course, including an online portfolio service that manages all your course completions, and a Certificate Verification Service you can use so others may view and verify the authenticity of your awards.
Course Description
Is there intelligent life on other planets?
Have we been visited by aliens here on earth?
Are they walking amongst us?
What are the explanations for the saucers in the sky?
To date, no one has, or is willing, to give final proof or solid answers to any of these questions. The purpose behind this course is to help you keep your mind and eyes open. The big question is if there really is intelligent life out there, where is it? And what kind of evidence do we have today to prove it? With so many of the planets in our solar system seemingly too hot or cold, or proven to have no life of any type, our hope appears to be in other parts of the universe.
The Center for UFO Studies categorizes contacts as "close encounters" of the first, second or third kind: First encounters are objects or unexplained lights in space; second encounters are marked by the UFO having a type of physical effect on the Earth such as radioactivity or burn marks; and third encounters are reports of interactions between the witnesses and crew of an alien spaceship--often this relates to stories of "alien abductions".
Evidence that would convince most scientists of visitors from the sky is lacking, although there are stories about visual things in the sky since ancient times, and the idea still has appeal. There are fantastic stories--and yes, even some imaginative hoaxes! And there is even some compelling evidence to give credibility about the rumors the U.S. government actually possesses a crashed alien spaceship and alien bodies. Take this course and with the information provided, you'll be able to decide for yourself if there is a real phenomenon at work that warrants more scientific investigation; or perhaps you'll come to the conclusion that we are simply alone and unique in the universe.
Course Lessons
Lesson 1: The UFO Controversy
What is a UFO and why is it such a controversy?
Lesson 2: The UFO Coverup
Are UFO sighting and evidence of intelligence life on other planets being covered up by world governments?
Lesson 3: UFO Congressional Hearings
UFO Congressional Hearings, United Nations UFO Agency, Vatican Files/Blue Book Connection.
Lesson 4: UFO Case Histories
Let's investigate UFO case files throughout history and around the world.
Lesson 5: Roswell Incident and Area 51
Let's explore the myths and realities of the Roswell Incident and the legendary military base 'Area 51'.
Lesson 6: Crop Circles
Exploring the myths, facts, and outright hoaxes regarding 'crop circles'.
Lesson 7: UFO Abductions
The International Center for Abduction Research (ICAR) is an organization involved in investigating those who claim to have been abducted by aliens. ICAR provides accurate information to therapists and other individuals interested in abductions.
Lesson 8: UFO Sightings in Mexico and other Video Clips
In recent years, UFO sightings in Mexico are at an all-time high. Amateur videographers have captured hundreds of hours of unexplained UFO sightings.
Lesson 9: Additional UFO Resources
This course would be remiss if you weren't steered toward the enormous amount of UFO resources available on the Internet.
Optional Certificates Awarded
Certificate of Attendance
Certificate of Class Participation
Certificate of Appreciation
Certificate of Merit
Certificate of Outstanding Achievement
Certificate of Academic Excellence
Participate in the Class Forums, share your thoughts, be proactive in both being skeptical when analyzing UFO cases as well as keep an open mind.
Certificates may be awarded by the instructor at his/her own discretion and are based on student merit. To save your award and have a hard-copy delivered, there is a $30.00 processing fee that covers the customization, printing, and delivery of the award, as well as access to the UniversalClass™ Portfolio Service that documents your achievements online. Official awards have a serial number that verifies the authenticity of the award (great for employers to verify your achievement).
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Additional Information
Course Title : UFO Studies
CEU Value :
1.0 (Continuing Education Units)
Course Number : 32234
Course Type : Hobby/Enthusiast
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Instructor :
Carol Nichols
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Duration : Continuous: Enroll anytime!
Course Fee :
Basic Course: $30
with CEUs & Certificate: $55
This is a non-credit course, and is provided for your personal enrichment. This course is not intended to be a substitute for any state, government, licensing, or educational requirements.
Choose from 5 Payment Methods
Credit Card Online Credit Card through FAX
Check/Money Order through Mail Credit Card over the Phone
To use any of these methods you must press the "Join this Course" button on this screen and go through the online registration process in order to generate the correct order form and correctly process your enrollment.
Recommended Books
Exempt from Disclosure: The Black World of UFOs: WP Vaults & Roswell, Site 51, Los Alamos
UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973
Student Testimonials
"I enjoyed the instructor and class very much." -- Andrew C.
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
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I enjoy writing scripts for tv and movies. The books take a while but the time is well spent. TJ.
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We need to have faith in the future of science regarding the investment of our money. When does the responsibility of the whole become involved with the rights of the one? We must learn how to govern the WE and the I in all of us at the same time leaving room for creativity, discovery, exploration, innovation, and future advancement of the human race as a species. We are expanding at the same time the universe is expanding. Extraterrestrial expansion of how we accept future life in space is the next global horizon. ET Human intervention is expected to occur prior to December 21, 2012 11:11
Who do we trust with our future? Do we go along the way things have been in the past even if they have failed. Some entities were thought to be "Too Big To Fail" and did.
We need some changes in the way our elected officials are governed and scrutinized during their positions that they hold. Personnel and Information Security is important when it comes to our elected officials and their positions of authority and power.
America is a world leader in trade and commerce among other things. We have recently proved this with the economic bubble that has been deflated recently. We share the future payments for this bubble as tax payers in America. But, are we making the right decisions to put money into the old ways? These corporations that were too big to fail did. Now, that being said, it seems like a common sense issue to not fan the flames of failure. There are many of us tuned into more than just the human level of achievement.
In order to continue building the global community we will need some basic guidelines. These will incorporate both science and faith. Balance is the key to our economic global community future. Goodwill is still an important part of the equation. If we cannot obtain some guidance from the world leaders, we shall obtain if from higher sources. Some of the past rules have been created by those with low levels of thought.
For example, the International triple A rating system that involved goods and services needs to be seriously restructured. The analysts, and accountants are following the accepted moral majority guidelines. We need some definite rules and laws not only on the books but enforced. We need to get a handle on who is handling our money and credit affairs along the road. There are roads we have created that run two ways both up and down, bull and bear. There are languages that only certain people use in the world of trade and commerce. Some of us have a conscience and some turn a blind eye to their conscience.
International Marketing and Manufacturing is a major part of the Global Community future. Business and Social Entrepreneurs are a big part of the future. There will need to be some directors who are aware of how the world works together with all governing nation states laws and regulations. The Internet is a perfect example of the Global Community and how we should all learn to govern ourselves for the good of the whole and the future success for the one individual to live and survive with a living wage.
We all need the moral integrity enhanced to understand this world with economic sanctions. This is a consume driven world and now we must also consider the future of not only the economy but the environment. The TWO E's or we shall be dealing with another E known as ETs' in a larger than life that exist way of being on earth.
Opinions are important and we may all be changing our own based on our past. We can also learn from our past and make changes for a better future. This takes time, planning, knowing, persistence, and action. There are some steps we can all plan on using in the global community. There will be variations on a theme based on continents and nation states however, there is still one basic that all nations, governments, leaders, and rulers, understand. That is a better future in the global economy. This is the one basic common denominator for all that includes the entire species on planet earth. We may need to revamp the political parties or start all over again. We know that the general critical mass populace of the world is now tuned into society using the main line of information and communication about our government. No more room for being conned by corporations.
We need to have those who actually know the bills and read them before they are passed. How many of the leaders that we vote into office actually read the bills that are approved? How many know that there are parts of the bill that need to be left out because the articles and lines of interested parties throwing in some issues are not relative to a certain bill of concern by the voting American citizens and taxpayers?
We all know about the changes that occurred in the world that had to do with the economy. There is a science and faith in this questionable past that we all created but some more than others. We can now ask that our world leaders learn how to pass rules and laws that will be enforced. The key here is personnel and information security with law enforcement at the highest levels of creators in this game of life for humankind.
We all want freedom and democracy for all. But, with this sometimes, there is a balance between the rights of individuals and the rights of the whole species. There are now being addressed. We need to be bi-partisan when approaching the global community.
Wall Street and Main Street will only survive if we allow these institutions in our business and social worlds to continue. We are now more hesitant to invest in various corporations around the world.
Thanks to various beings who devised a sophisticated con game in the corporate world arena using sophisticated formulas the ball got away from the players. We got the ball back now. Yes we can fix the monetary system with rules, laws, statutes, and regulations. Also, a watchful intelligence security personnel system in personnel and information security. There is such a thing as "Goodwill Value" in corporation stock. Whether one is aware of this makes no difference when one can afford an attorney to explain corporate law and investments to a person. But many people do not go to attorneys about investments. They have gone to stock brokers and investment bankers instead. Now, the formula for law and order has to be restructured to apply to how stock holders are approached. Also, how government entities and instruments are approached in the world. There are global community corporations that are taking their credit and losses and packaging them to look better to resell to other corporations.
This is similar to how the parties in politics such as the Democrats and Republicans package their deals in order to get Bills passed in America. This is why we have to look at the whole past way of doing business not just in America but how we all have packaged deals to other countries and vice versa. The larger picture is now falling upon the individual citizens to understand and pay the price for our worlds mistakes.
The world players on the top and top 1/3 of the rungs on the corporate world ladder were not blind to the game. They invented the game and allowed the younger B level Armani Suits in corporate America to sale their goods and services to investors. The packaging of certain stocks in the past bubble economy that recently burst is only one of the clues to what goes on in the stock markets around the world. This is not a new game just one that finally got away due to greed. Not one of the "Too Big To Fail" corporations in stock market exchange, securities exchange commission, or U.S. Treasury, Internal Revenue Services, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or the major intelligence corporations in the world would give into the seriousness of what would happen to the world when the greed and inflated numbers would finally be revealed as science fiction and not science. Now, there are news investigative reporters doing the stories because they realize that they have a responsibility to the critical mass populace, which has now lost faith in their reporting the truth.
The whole way that the world worked before this catastrophe on Wall Street and Main Street in the world happened. It happened, many of us understand why and how and the others that were not aware of how the world works needs to learn.
The players and gamers of this game of life have many different levels and some are creating new levels. The players that make the new levels have been running amuck.
This was part of the problem. There is a schism and some major division between that which should be regulated by governments and that, which should be left up to individuals. In other words, how much are we responsible for accepting as our own fault and what fault will be blamed on those in charge of overseeing the goodwill, rules, regulations, laws, and statutes in the world.
We have governments of the collective to decide for the good of all. The democratic society that we live in in America is the perfect example of the best governing life on earth. We should use America as the template and format for our future global community business and marketing plan. However, we have some holes in the template that need to be filled with some basic regulations for the monetary institution with rules, regulations, revised statutes, and laws before we proceed to have the whole global community allow us to lead the future global community.
Therefore, we must understand more that we do presently about how facades, fakirs, and false bubbles in the global economy can be created and learn from our mistakes. This must be fixed. It is a glitch in our American system. We can fix this and move forward. It is apparent that many of our trained young adults coming out of the colleges and universities are thinking that they are armed for business with the best and most recent knowledge and understanding. This is not true. They are not being taught common sense and how to use it.
Every being on earth is born with the inherited trait to know right from wrong. It is a feeling in their mental and physical body that houses the spirit. The spirit is attached to the soul or has a communication with the all there is of one essence. This one essence is attached to the over soul or the God particle that is in all things, all beings, all places. In other words, there is reality and awareness of the truth in all people, places, and things, created. This basic Oracle Truth 101 is reality.
Science, faith, and futures are only three words. Words as used in the world for information and communication are important. Investment is the act or result of investing that in most cases utilizes money.
We can invest in our children´s future and have faith that what we are investing in will bring us rewards and draw interest over time. What we choose to invest in generally requires money. In other words, we like to choose to put money to profitable use. Money makes the world go round. We are a species now based on investments, which requires faith in future investments. Science is a branch of knowledge.
Science according to the American Heritage College Dictionary, fourth edition is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Science is a word that means many things to many people. However, one may argue that science is the belief in things that can be seen felt, and understood in the material world. Faith may be termed that which cannot be seen in the material world. Faith can be belief that does not rest on material evidence. Faith is the confident belief in truth, value, and trustworthiness of people, places, and things. Faith can mean loyalty, to a person or thing. In Christianity, the theological virtue defined as a secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God´s will. This is also taken from The American Heritage College Dictionary.
We need to have faith in the future of science regarding the investment of our money. Money is the medium that can be changed for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market, including among its forms a commodity such as gold, an officially issued coin, or note, or a deposit in a checking account or other readily liquefiable account. The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government. Assets and property considered in terms of monetary value as wealth. This is out of the same dictionary and goes on for those who want to check the meaning.
How do we know whom to have faith about our future investment and money? This requires both faith and science. The combination of the two words is what is changing now in the world that we now call the Global Community.
The people who are the business and social entrepreneurs are already aware of how the formula is used.
For those who do not know about business it is strongly suggested that everyone learn the basics of how the world works and revolves around business. There is something called goodwill that can also be valued. The goodwill is how our businesses are perceived and can mean a lot in worth and trade. In other words, goodwill can go along with a brand name and logo. When one trust in goods and services that they had good results with they begin to have confidence in those goods and services. Therefore, they relate to the brand name and logo in trade.
There are educational courses taught all over the world in business. Right now, until we can come up with a better way to run the world, we are going to use the democracy and trade and commerce template that we have already built. It is presently working as the general synopsis and theoretical way to move forward. We can tweak it as we go along.
People in the world need people who believe and understand both the science and faith of how the business and social communities work in the world. This is why I chose to work in American Culture International Relations.
Oracles have an advantage in life of knowing things. Simply put we are known to John Q. Public as psychic mediums, clairvoyants, seers,and life coaches. Some of us became investigators and Investigative Reporters. Some are criminal forensic psych technicians. There are many ways to improve the mind and future of humankind. There are some who have been given higher levels of responsibility for assisting the world. There is trust involved. Some are confidence builders in others as Life Coaches. We can all use future confidence with trust and understanding now on earth about the future. We must decide to separate those which have good and honest intentions of assisting others in this world and those who are here for greed and to play a con game. The Flame of Truth is the all seeing and all knowing that can be found in the Akashic Field and the Field of Origin. Occasionally there are beings who are of the human species that can consult higher levels of energy that allow us to know when it is time to act in a certain way for the good of all. The overall outcome for the good of all becomes more important than that of the few. This can get complicated real fast and the watchers and overseers of truth will nudge their seers somewhat to remind people to push the rocks of the road of greed of some out of the way. Thus the age of revealing and revelation.
These days, people will have to have more proof about what is real and what is not in their own reality. This will be a long process for many. This is a time that has come to a point where some of us will rise to the occasion. There is a saying that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. This has been one saying that I incorporated into my own belief system while here on earth. But, I also have faith in a higher power that I choose to believe is not only faith but science. For the mass populace, I have a type of faith and scientific belief in the future of the sentient ascension intelligent beings species. I choose to believe in things that can not necessarily be seen and accepted by all others. Because I have kept an open mind, there has been knowledge and awareness allowed me through my own personal experiences.
It is time to share life experiences. Sharing, caring, and becoming aware is everyone's future. This is how we will all succeed and become supporters of success. We are all players in the game of life. Some of us are on various levels on the tree of life. There are many roles in life that make up a culture and a world for a reason. There is a higher purpose and plan and we are learning by exploring, and making mistakes along our way. There will be rocks in the road but some of us will leave a path and make a trail for others to follow. We can all assist others by sharing who we are with our experiences. Then we can allow others to make their own choices.
We have a few more abilities and credentials from beings who have decided somewhere down the line that we can be trusted. It is as simple as that from what I gather in the Akashic Field and Field of Origin. There are years of training and education we receive while on earth from standard public education of what is accepted as normal offered in public schools to training that is offered by those in certain circles and loops, and the metaphysical communities. In other words, there are ways to train others who desire to understand more about themselves and life in general while visiting earth. Whether beings choose to receive assistance from their own guides, angels, teachers, or God is a personal choice. There are certain beings on earth that can cross over from one plane of existence to the other. However, with this knowledge and awareness come certain responsibilities and obligations to truth and for knowledge gained and earned on earth.
We can make the world a better place by sharing the global community goods and services. We must make those who are not educated about business and corporations aware of how the future world will effect each individual. We must share food, goods, services, health and prosperity for all on the planet. Triple A rating can and should be applied to a way of life and not just a credit and corporate formula rating in the world.
Truth and trust is to be earned. Remember that faith, hope, charity, compassion, usually has nothing to do with greed for monetary wealth. Health and prosperity are the rights of all beings but, the many levels of having more rather than less can be earned on earth with the right directions, and formulas used for success. Share awareness with others and help others along this path called life and existence in this new found reality. We are all making the world a better place to live with action by putting one thought in a better place toward positive goals each day. Our minds never stop while we are alive on earth. Remember that we are all moving forward and expanding together. The universe is expanding and so are we each individually.
TJ Thurmond Morris, Author/Entrepreneur
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About Me

- Beaver Dam, Kentucky, United States
- I am one who enjoys solitude as a creative writer. I also am an event planner coordinator. I choose life projects carefully and am a business and social consultant for others. I am considered a Life Coach to some and a Psychic Medium to others. I like the metaphysicians and Pd.D types who choose to network information with me around the world. We are all about networking causes and interests to make this world a better place for all.