Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
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posted by TJ MORRIS at ET UFO NEWS - 1 minute ago
LINK TO SITES OF TJ MORRIS ACIR American Culture International Relations, PR, Marketing and Manufacturing. Stories linked to TJ MORRIS ACIR AND ET UFO NEWS RE MONTAUK EXPERIMENT The sculpture is reputed...
posted by TJ MORRIS at ET UFO NEWS - 9 minutes ago
2012 MAGNETISM LAWS, UNIVERSAL BONDS, CIVIL UNIONS Theresa J. Thurmond Morris May 08, 2009 What on earth are we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth? Change i...
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American Chronicle
American News Magazine
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posted by TJ MORRIS at ET UFO NEWS - 1 minute ago
LINK TO SITES OF TJ MORRIS ACIR American Culture International Relations, PR, Marketing and Manufacturing. Stories linked to TJ MORRIS ACIR AND ET UFO NEWS RE MONTAUK EXPERIMENT The sculpture is reputed...
posted by TJ MORRIS at ET UFO NEWS - 9 minutes ago
2012 MAGNETISM LAWS, UNIVERSAL BONDS, CIVIL UNIONS Theresa J. Thurmond Morris May 08, 2009 What on earth are we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth? Change i...
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DirkPublisher's Note: I'm trying to get back into writing and was thinking of putting together all the best UFO articles and sightings we have published on UFO Digest. What do you think?
Join me on Facebook!. Follow UFO Digest on Add UFO Digest News directly into your web page.
A Brief History Of My Favorite "Martian" Photograph by Robin Anderson-Forbes. Out of all the photographs of aliens I've got a favourite that has intrigued me for years. I've always wondered about its history and if it was real or fake. And if it was indeed a fake, how they did it and why they did it. Whoever, 'they' are. I came across this photograph again recently in an unexpected place; the UFO section of the Library and Archives Canada. The photograph in question is pictured here to the right. The picture is a vintage photo that depicts four people; two of which appear to be secret agents of some sort, escorting a small alien-like being. More.
Posted: 13:55 May 7, 2009: Conspiracy Summit Dossier reviewed by Sean Casteel. It is often said that one mark of a successful conspiracy is that it is completely impossible to prove. The conspirators cover their tracks so well that no smoking gun ever emerges and silence is maintained at the point of death in some cases. But in spite of the deathly secrecy, occasional glimpses into the darkness are possible, and the school of thought called Conspiracy Theory thrives among those courageous enough to peer into the blackness and seek the truth, whatever frightening oppressions that truth may involve. More...
Posted: 15:32 May 5, 2009: 200,000 Year Old Statue Found On Moon by Cristian Negureanu. Weekly World News (April 27th, 2009) - WASHINGTON, DC - A noted scientist has just produced proof that the lunar surface was inhabited by intelligent life: a 10-inch angel sculpture embedded in a moon rock. Geologist Dr. Morris Charles revealed last week that NASA lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts 40 years ago, in 1969. Dr. Charles was a NASA scientist himself for 23 years but left the agency in 1987. He still maintains close ties to many of his former colleagues... More...
Posted: 11:45 May 5, 2009: Argentina: A One Million-Signature Goal by Scott Corrales. INEXPLICATA contributing editor Guillermo Gimenez sent us an e-mail this morning with regard to a news item in El Popular On-Line (www.popular about the one million signatures to be collected by Argentina’s UFO research community, asking President Christina Kirchner to declassify the nation’s voluminous UFO holdings. The researchers involved in this gargantuan effort are known to readers of this publication: Silvia Perez Simondini of the VISION OVNI group, Elias Kolev, Quique Mario of the defunct CEUFO organization, Carlos Iurchuk, Salvatore Carta and many, many others. More...
Posted: 18:20 May 4, 2009: What is With the Big Black Cats? by Chris Holly. What is going on with the Big Black Cats being seen all over the world? I have not been being paying too much attention to it until I read of a few sighting of huge black cats being seen in my state of New York. I could not recall anything like that before in my area. I started to pay attention to the news and watch for articles on the Internet to find that sightings of huge black cats have been seen in odd places all over the world. I mentioned it to a young man I know in passing and he told me a chilling experience he had in the late 1990’s on the east coast of Florida. He told me he and his girlfriend would take a blanket on nice nights and sit on the edge of a local golf course and eat a picnic dinner and cuddle under the stars as young people do. More...
Posted: 17:00 May 4, 2009: Was Cro-Magnon Man Biologically Engineered by Extraterrestrials? by Der Voron. In the mean time, the remains of this form, the supposed immediate ancestor that evolved into Homo Sapiens, should be met often enough (just like those of Neanderthal, moreover this form, which was not Homo Sapiens' ancestor, existed approximately at the same time): else how could this form engender the Cro-Magnons? Evolution takes many generations, and next generation has more representatives of a species than the previous one. The probability of finding remains increases with the number of generations and beings lived. More...
Posted: 12:30 May 4, 2009: Ancient tsunami 'hit New York' by Cristian Negureanu. A huge wave crashed into the New York City region 2,300 years ago, dumping sediment and shells across Long Island and New Jersey and casting wood debris far up the Hudson River. The scenario, proposed by scientists, is undergoing further examination to verify radiocarbon dates and to rule out other causes of the upheaval. Sedimentary deposits from more than 20 cores in New York and New Jersey indicate that some sort of violent force swept the Northeast coastal region in 300BC. It may have been a large storm, but evidence is increasingly pointing to a rare Atlantic Ocean tsunami... The origin of such a tsunami is also under debate. An undersea landslide is the most likely source, but one research group has proposed that an asteroid impact provided the trigger. More...
Posted: 11:30 May 3, 2009: "Like You, You Probably Were Abducted . . ." by Regan Lee. 'We probably both were.'That's what my dear husband calmly said to me the other night. We were watching some program on UFOs, and 'George' says to me that I'm a skeptic, 'Like you refusing to say you've been abducted; even though you probably have been.' 'Like we probably both were.' George comes up with remarks like this occasionally, just drops, out of the blue, startling comments about something to do with us and UFOs. More...
Posted: 15:57 May 2, 2009: Two Blocks from Slab Town - Invisible (part one) by Saturna Brown. It was an early summer evening when Joey ran into the house screaming at the top of his lungs, 'The mosquito man…the mosquito man!' Naturally, I was sitting on the toilet when he began banging on the door. 'Cissy!' Joey shouted. 'Are you in there?' More...
Posted: 11:25 May 2, 2009: Perception Of Life by Tony Elliott. As a researcher most of my life of UFOs, the paranormal, and all things strange and unusual that shouldn't be but are I find the question of life, intelligent or otherwise existing elsewhere in the universe other than here on Earth to be moot. More...
Posted: 09:45 May 1, 2009: Aliens Are People Too! by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris. There are many types of aliens and it depends on the point of perception and point of origin as to which is the alien and which is the alien planet. The story that I am writing has to do with my own experiences. They are seen from my own point of view. The powers that I received from having near death and out of body experiences have been rewarding. More...
Posted: 00:05 May 1, 2009: Dark Ages 101- Reporting the Paranormal by Chris Holly. My name is Khris I'm 36 years old and live in New York. The reason I'm writting to you is that when I was about 14 years old a friend and I were playing in a huge sump near where we lived. We noticed something in the sky that looked just like a UFO from the movies. It was about mid afternoon - 1 or 2 pm. Here is where it gets weird. I don't remember how but we ended up two miles from the sump with our bicycles with the same UFO above us. It was like on second we were straddling our bikes looking up at this UFO down at the sump and in a blink we were still straddling our bikes but now two miles away from the sump! We got on our bicycles and started to ride with the UFO following us for a few seconds- then took off really fast. It was almost like they were seeing if we were OK. I felt really shaken up and scared. More...
Posted: 13:29 April 29, 2009: The Paradox: How Trying to Outsmart the Prophecies Leads to Their Fulfillment by Michael Horn. As has already been mentioned in a number of articles, the reality of the Meier contacts, and the accuracy of the prophetic information contained within them, is well known in higher governmental, military and intelligence circles. This is true not only in the U.S. but also in numerous other countries...and by the UN. That it isn't acknowledged publicly is no less surprising than the ongoing official silence regarding the cover-up about extraterrestrial UFOs, as well as the terrestrially originating, secret military craft that have been sighted in the skies for many decades. More...
• RG To President Obama: Disclose by June 2009 or Face the Media
• Ghostbuster Hans Holzer Dead At 89
• Magnetic "Woo" and James Randi
• No Need to Fear
• 'Asia Consciousness Festival' explores
known and unknown
• The Aetherius Society Applauds Former
Astronaut For Revealing The Truth About
Extraterrestrial Evidence
• Introducing the JOURNAL of FRONTIER
• God Was An Alien From ET From Space
• UFO Sighting During A Famous Italian
Action Movie
• Will The Real Gray/Grey (Greye) Please
Stand Up
• The Case of the Psychic Who had the
Right Event on the Wrong Road
• Sauniere's "Sot + Pecheur" Riddle
and Ben Hammott's Clues
• The Human Cost of National Security
Act of 1947 Secrecy
• Connecting With Spirit
• UFO hoaxes can teach us about UFO
• Is the Aviary a CIA UFO/ET Security and
Suppression Network?
• Two Blocks from Slab Town - Heat
• Uri Geller and the YouTube Video Smear
• Through Alien Eyes!
• Taken Up For ET UFO Knowledge
• Update on My Interview with a Vampire-
My Mistakes Corrected
• Dulce, New Mexico, Bio-Warfare and
Project Blue Beam
• Oddities: Reflections on Winged
• Preparation for ET UFO Challenges
• Real Angels: Guiding Spirits, Benevolent
Beings, and Heavenly Hosts
• Hunt for the Skinwalker explores UFOs,
the unknown
• Eisenhower ET Meeting at Muroc and
more on Solar Warden
• Does Blanche Castile point the way to the
cave where Rennes Chateau legend is
• 'Alien Trespass' explores '50s UFO views,
public acclimation
• Are we prepared for public UFO
• UFOs and public safety: Firefighter
manual explains risks w/VIDEO
• UFOs, Aliens and the Paranormal- A Trip
into Confusion and The Dark Ages
• AF Roswell Study Contributor Admits- "It
Was ET!"
• Sign Of the ET UFO Times
• Updated analysis of 'UFO ORB With
Mothership Photo'
• Exposing the Conspiracy of Silence:
Why Not Allow the Name of Jesus into
Discussions of UFOs?
New Concept
• Is There A New World Order Agenda for
an ET Global Community?
• Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Was the
Biggest Fool of All? (Act 4)
• Google Maps Key to Finding Yeti
• First Dulce, NM Conference
• A Sighting Re-Visited Long Island in the
60’s a UFO Central!
• Who Tricked the Trickster?
• UFOs & ET CONTACT - A Video Lecture
• Dulce Base Conference Ends: Full Report
• Alleged UFO Photo Shot in Himalayas
June 22 2006
• UFO Chases Asteriod 2009 BD?, Photos
• Is There A God The Mother?
• Down the Rabbit Hole with Dan Smith
and Ron Pandolfi, Where’s Alice?
• UFO Digest Writer of the Year 2009
• Wings in the Woods
• Two Blocks from Slab Town - Walk! Do
Not Run! (part three)
• The Strange Case of the Albino Family
- or Was It?
• ET UFO Changes Occurring Now Before
• UFO ORB With Mothership Photo, May
Be Best Ever!
• What Happened To InfoTech?
• L. A. Marzulli review of KNOWING
• What You Absolutely Need to Know
about the movie Knowing
• Connection at New Orleans Cathedral to
Rennes Mystery the Box and Mary's
• Just Tell Us the Truth Dammit!
• ET UFO Awareness Growing Regarding
• Suicidal Civilization
• Ron Enters Navy and Source A's Arena
• The Planet of half-evolved apes! Part II
• Update on The Canadian Wilderness Light
Craft UFO and Alien Creature Event
• 'Race to Witch Mountain' is UFO
• Horse Mutilation Found in Argentina 2007
• Race To Witch Mountain: preparing the
• UFO Assessment in Solar System
• Unconventional U.S. soft power: human
perception, UFOs
• Rays and Alien Interactions with Unwilling
• The Planet of half-evolved apes!
• Two Blocks from Slab Town - Walk! Do
Not Run! (part two)
• More Terrible than Atlantis?
• From Financial Meltdown to Existential
• Planet X: Described in ISAIAH 63
• Naval Officer Source Insists on Accuracy
• Government Spying On American
Represent the Human Body?
• UFO Digest 2009 UFOlogists of the Year
Award Winners
• Phoenix lights UFO anniversary brings
fresh insights
• SECRET WARS: 100 Years of British
Intelligence inside MI5 and MI6
• Roswell Fireman Confesses - It was a
Flying Saucer!
• Strange Light Craft and Alien Gray caught
on Camera in Canadian Wilderness
• Confessions of an Alien Hunter
• Cowardly Media Watchdogs
• Obama Not Yet Briefed On UFOs
Thousands of more articles here: Click Here!
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UFODIGEST.COM All rights reserved. FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107. Privacy Policy.
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DirkPublisher's Note: I'm trying to get back into writing and was thinking of putting together all the best UFO articles and sightings we have published on UFO Digest. What do you think?
Join me on Facebook!. Follow UFO Digest on Add UFO Digest News directly into your web page.
A Brief History Of My Favorite "Martian" Photograph by Robin Anderson-Forbes. Out of all the photographs of aliens I've got a favourite that has intrigued me for years. I've always wondered about its history and if it was real or fake. And if it was indeed a fake, how they did it and why they did it. Whoever, 'they' are. I came across this photograph again recently in an unexpected place; the UFO section of the Library and Archives Canada. The photograph in question is pictured here to the right. The picture is a vintage photo that depicts four people; two of which appear to be secret agents of some sort, escorting a small alien-like being. More.
Posted: 13:55 May 7, 2009: Conspiracy Summit Dossier reviewed by Sean Casteel. It is often said that one mark of a successful conspiracy is that it is completely impossible to prove. The conspirators cover their tracks so well that no smoking gun ever emerges and silence is maintained at the point of death in some cases. But in spite of the deathly secrecy, occasional glimpses into the darkness are possible, and the school of thought called Conspiracy Theory thrives among those courageous enough to peer into the blackness and seek the truth, whatever frightening oppressions that truth may involve. More...
Posted: 15:32 May 5, 2009: 200,000 Year Old Statue Found On Moon by Cristian Negureanu. Weekly World News (April 27th, 2009) - WASHINGTON, DC - A noted scientist has just produced proof that the lunar surface was inhabited by intelligent life: a 10-inch angel sculpture embedded in a moon rock. Geologist Dr. Morris Charles revealed last week that NASA lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts 40 years ago, in 1969. Dr. Charles was a NASA scientist himself for 23 years but left the agency in 1987. He still maintains close ties to many of his former colleagues... More...
Posted: 11:45 May 5, 2009: Argentina: A One Million-Signature Goal by Scott Corrales. INEXPLICATA contributing editor Guillermo Gimenez sent us an e-mail this morning with regard to a news item in El Popular On-Line (www.popular about the one million signatures to be collected by Argentina’s UFO research community, asking President Christina Kirchner to declassify the nation’s voluminous UFO holdings. The researchers involved in this gargantuan effort are known to readers of this publication: Silvia Perez Simondini of the VISION OVNI group, Elias Kolev, Quique Mario of the defunct CEUFO organization, Carlos Iurchuk, Salvatore Carta and many, many others. More...
Posted: 18:20 May 4, 2009: What is With the Big Black Cats? by Chris Holly. What is going on with the Big Black Cats being seen all over the world? I have not been being paying too much attention to it until I read of a few sighting of huge black cats being seen in my state of New York. I could not recall anything like that before in my area. I started to pay attention to the news and watch for articles on the Internet to find that sightings of huge black cats have been seen in odd places all over the world. I mentioned it to a young man I know in passing and he told me a chilling experience he had in the late 1990’s on the east coast of Florida. He told me he and his girlfriend would take a blanket on nice nights and sit on the edge of a local golf course and eat a picnic dinner and cuddle under the stars as young people do. More...
Posted: 17:00 May 4, 2009: Was Cro-Magnon Man Biologically Engineered by Extraterrestrials? by Der Voron. In the mean time, the remains of this form, the supposed immediate ancestor that evolved into Homo Sapiens, should be met often enough (just like those of Neanderthal, moreover this form, which was not Homo Sapiens' ancestor, existed approximately at the same time): else how could this form engender the Cro-Magnons? Evolution takes many generations, and next generation has more representatives of a species than the previous one. The probability of finding remains increases with the number of generations and beings lived. More...
Posted: 12:30 May 4, 2009: Ancient tsunami 'hit New York' by Cristian Negureanu. A huge wave crashed into the New York City region 2,300 years ago, dumping sediment and shells across Long Island and New Jersey and casting wood debris far up the Hudson River. The scenario, proposed by scientists, is undergoing further examination to verify radiocarbon dates and to rule out other causes of the upheaval. Sedimentary deposits from more than 20 cores in New York and New Jersey indicate that some sort of violent force swept the Northeast coastal region in 300BC. It may have been a large storm, but evidence is increasingly pointing to a rare Atlantic Ocean tsunami... The origin of such a tsunami is also under debate. An undersea landslide is the most likely source, but one research group has proposed that an asteroid impact provided the trigger. More...
Posted: 11:30 May 3, 2009: "Like You, You Probably Were Abducted . . ." by Regan Lee. 'We probably both were.'That's what my dear husband calmly said to me the other night. We were watching some program on UFOs, and 'George' says to me that I'm a skeptic, 'Like you refusing to say you've been abducted; even though you probably have been.' 'Like we probably both were.' George comes up with remarks like this occasionally, just drops, out of the blue, startling comments about something to do with us and UFOs. More...
Posted: 15:57 May 2, 2009: Two Blocks from Slab Town - Invisible (part one) by Saturna Brown. It was an early summer evening when Joey ran into the house screaming at the top of his lungs, 'The mosquito man…the mosquito man!' Naturally, I was sitting on the toilet when he began banging on the door. 'Cissy!' Joey shouted. 'Are you in there?' More...
Posted: 11:25 May 2, 2009: Perception Of Life by Tony Elliott. As a researcher most of my life of UFOs, the paranormal, and all things strange and unusual that shouldn't be but are I find the question of life, intelligent or otherwise existing elsewhere in the universe other than here on Earth to be moot. More...
Posted: 09:45 May 1, 2009: Aliens Are People Too! by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris. There are many types of aliens and it depends on the point of perception and point of origin as to which is the alien and which is the alien planet. The story that I am writing has to do with my own experiences. They are seen from my own point of view. The powers that I received from having near death and out of body experiences have been rewarding. More...
Posted: 00:05 May 1, 2009: Dark Ages 101- Reporting the Paranormal by Chris Holly. My name is Khris I'm 36 years old and live in New York. The reason I'm writting to you is that when I was about 14 years old a friend and I were playing in a huge sump near where we lived. We noticed something in the sky that looked just like a UFO from the movies. It was about mid afternoon - 1 or 2 pm. Here is where it gets weird. I don't remember how but we ended up two miles from the sump with our bicycles with the same UFO above us. It was like on second we were straddling our bikes looking up at this UFO down at the sump and in a blink we were still straddling our bikes but now two miles away from the sump! We got on our bicycles and started to ride with the UFO following us for a few seconds- then took off really fast. It was almost like they were seeing if we were OK. I felt really shaken up and scared. More...
Posted: 13:29 April 29, 2009: The Paradox: How Trying to Outsmart the Prophecies Leads to Their Fulfillment by Michael Horn. As has already been mentioned in a number of articles, the reality of the Meier contacts, and the accuracy of the prophetic information contained within them, is well known in higher governmental, military and intelligence circles. This is true not only in the U.S. but also in numerous other countries...and by the UN. That it isn't acknowledged publicly is no less surprising than the ongoing official silence regarding the cover-up about extraterrestrial UFOs, as well as the terrestrially originating, secret military craft that have been sighted in the skies for many decades. More...
• RG To President Obama: Disclose by June 2009 or Face the Media
• Ghostbuster Hans Holzer Dead At 89
• Magnetic "Woo" and James Randi
• No Need to Fear
• 'Asia Consciousness Festival' explores
known and unknown
• The Aetherius Society Applauds Former
Astronaut For Revealing The Truth About
Extraterrestrial Evidence
• Introducing the JOURNAL of FRONTIER
• God Was An Alien From ET From Space
• UFO Sighting During A Famous Italian
Action Movie
• Will The Real Gray/Grey (Greye) Please
Stand Up
• The Case of the Psychic Who had the
Right Event on the Wrong Road
• Sauniere's "Sot + Pecheur" Riddle
and Ben Hammott's Clues
• The Human Cost of National Security
Act of 1947 Secrecy
• Connecting With Spirit
• UFO hoaxes can teach us about UFO
• Is the Aviary a CIA UFO/ET Security and
Suppression Network?
• Two Blocks from Slab Town - Heat
• Uri Geller and the YouTube Video Smear
• Through Alien Eyes!
• Taken Up For ET UFO Knowledge
• Update on My Interview with a Vampire-
My Mistakes Corrected
• Dulce, New Mexico, Bio-Warfare and
Project Blue Beam
• Oddities: Reflections on Winged
• Preparation for ET UFO Challenges
• Real Angels: Guiding Spirits, Benevolent
Beings, and Heavenly Hosts
• Hunt for the Skinwalker explores UFOs,
the unknown
• Eisenhower ET Meeting at Muroc and
more on Solar Warden
• Does Blanche Castile point the way to the
cave where Rennes Chateau legend is
• 'Alien Trespass' explores '50s UFO views,
public acclimation
• Are we prepared for public UFO
• UFOs and public safety: Firefighter
manual explains risks w/VIDEO
• UFOs, Aliens and the Paranormal- A Trip
into Confusion and The Dark Ages
• AF Roswell Study Contributor Admits- "It
Was ET!"
• Sign Of the ET UFO Times
• Updated analysis of 'UFO ORB With
Mothership Photo'
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LINK TO SITES OF TJ MORRIS ACIR American Culture International Relations, PR, Marketing and Manufacturing.
RE MONTAUK EXPERIMENT The sculpture is reputed to represent a statue, described in detail, by experimental time travelers during trips to a ruined city in the year 6042 AD. The Montauk Experiment is extremely interesting, but has no official verification - (which proves nothing either way)- so is open to individual research and interpretation. Gargoyle In the DIA's great hall, unusually for an airport, are two seated gargoyles -normally associated with churches or temples - a feature of plumbing to drain away excess rainfall (originally also believed to ward away evil spirits). The gargoyle adds to the surreal, weird and sinister vibe felt by many commuters. LINK TO GARGOYLE PHOTOGRAPH "A gargoyle-like sculpture that doesn't actually carry water is technically known as a chimera or simply a grotesque." LINK Murals DIA has drawn much media attention due to a number of bizarre murals, which adorn the walls around the terminal. Check out the following link to view images of the murals LINKLINK TO YOUTUBE VIDEO REGARDING THESE MURALS The images are of course a matter of subjective explanation, however, even at a quick glance, they present a visibly disturbing social commentary. One set of three murals, entitled "Children of the World Dream of Peace" contains the following images: The first mural depicts a scene of genocide, death, harsh social control - there is an image of a Nazi styled gun wielding, gas masked alien figure, spearing the dove of peace on the end of a machete - surrounded by women carrying dead babies. In one corner of the Mural - is an copy of a poem, known to have been written by a child who died in a German concentration camp In the second mural, weapons are being handed , by children, to a German boy who is shaping them into (what has been interpreted to be) agricultural tools. The third mural depicts a time of peace, where bizarrely (only) children are gathered around a "new messiah" offering (what has been interpreted to be) a plant with "magic" mind-bending qualities. Conspiracy theorists have speculated that the murals depict a genuine desired agenda by either the New World Order plan or the Fourth Reich - The truth of these theories remains a matter of debate, however, it has to be said that it is clearly not, what you would expect to see in an airport! In conclusion, each of the "oddities" identified within the DIA are open to individual interpretation - but there are an awful lot of them! - What do you think?
The Construction of DIA Many has questioned the unorthodox approach to the construction of the airport. Usually, a main contractor will run a construction project from start to finish, with sub-contractors being hired in to complete specialized packages of work (steelwork, electrics, plumbing). On DIA however, main contractors and sub contractors were hired to carry out small packages of works only, then dismissed from the site. Many have speculated that this was a tactic to ensure that no construction worker saw the full scale of the construction. Five large buildings were fully constructed and subsequently deemed to have been positioned incorrectly - unusually, they were buried and the current airport constructed on top of the "incorrect" structures. The cost of the project over-ran significantly, from $1.5 billion to $5.3 billion. The layout of the airport from an aerial view, appears to have been designed in a shape resembling a swastika - synonymous with the Nazi party - it should be noted however that the swastika symbol may not necessarily be sinister, the symbol is over three thousand years old and has been used by many cultures to represent life, the sun, power, strength and good luck. The swastika shape may have also been a fluke, based upon an optimum airport / runway design. Underground base Phil Schneider was an ex-governmental geologist who turned whistleblower on many covert operations. During a series of high profile lectures, he revealed that in the last year of DIA construction, the underground levels of the airport were connected to a vast eight level deep underground base. Phil Schneider also made comment about an unusual and high level of electro-magnetic energy, which he personally experienced within the underground tunnels. These revelations led to much speculation about the usage of the underground facility - I have come across a number of speculations, including, the base will be an "ark" - used in the event of a cataclysmic planetary event, others believe that it is a secret military? Base, a test ground for secret experimental technology or weaponry. There is even speculation that the base could be used as a concentration camp. Denver Property Many of the properties within close vicinity to DIA are "hot property" - reputedly, even the Queen of England has purchased property close to the airport under an alias. I cannot however confirm or deny these claims, but the rumors’ add weight to the theories that the airport (or what is below it) has far more significance in terms of future events than is commonly known. Mysterious Cracked Plane Windshields In February 2007, aviation authorities were investigating why at least fourteen plane windshields cracked. On Friday 16/02/07 - during 50 mph winds, eight planes that were taking off or landing at the airport experienced severely cracked windshields. On the same day, three air-borne aircraft and three stationary aircraft experienced the same phenomenon. The National Transportation Safety Board who investigated the incident ruled out impact from flying debris. Air safety Investigators however, stated that the cracking was due to fine particles of foreign debris causing deep pitting which lead to cracking. LINK TO NEWS ITEM In March 07, one further airborne craft experienced cracking to the windshield after taking off from DIA. LINK TO NEWS ITEM The affected planes were of various makes and models, fortunately, all airborne planes managed to land safely. Many have speculated that the cracking would more likely have been caused by the use of very high or very low frequency emissions emanating from the DIA vicinity. Unexplained Accident In December 2008, a plane skidded off the runway (veering 2000 feet off course ? ) during takeoff, the plane then inexplicably burst into flames. Forty passengers were injured in the accident. Reporters noted, "A crack encircled much of the fuselage near the trailing edge of the wings" LINK TO NEWS ITEM A full investigation is currently underway into the cause of the accident, a statement will then be released regarding probable cause. Mystery Surrounding DIA Art and Sculpture Capstone In the great hall within DIA, is a mounted capstone (containing a time capsule)- in the centre is a Masonic square and compass symbol and the wording beneath reads "New World Airport Commission", investigation into this organization indicates that it is peculiar to DIA alone - formed by private funders and local businessmen around the airport. It caught public attention because of the similarity to the "New World Order" Unusual Floor Markings many have written about the unusual floor markings within DIA. A native American studies student from UCLA translated the phrase "DZIT DIT GAII" which is carved into the floor in the DIA, as Navajo Indian "The Mountain that is White" - There are other floor inscriptions which just state "Mt Blanca" upon the floors at DIA. Mt Blanca (Colorado) was one of four sacred sites to the Navajo Indian culture - "The Holy People transformed this sacred mountain, attired it with precious gems of white beads and pure white and black feathers. The white symbolizes purity and gentleness. It also symbolizes the reproduction of the Navajo people " White Mountain could also refer to Mt Blanc (in France) which was the location where the Knights Templar signed their charter (the Knights Templar are a Masonic chapter -another potential Masonic link). In relation to the signing of the charter, a Templar from Salzburg wrote: "They gathered to form a New Order to keep alive the words which God had granted Solomon, in a dream" - Another potential link to the New World Order. The Mustang Sculpture Luis Jimenez, an American sculptor was working. On the sculpture of a rearing Mustang (Mesteno) intended for Denver International Airport, he was killed on 13/06/06, in his studio when the eight foot high piece, fell on him severing an artery in his leg. The scary blue rearing horse with glowing eyes has caused controversy due to its sinister appearance - hardly an inviting and reassuring welcome to the airport. Many have dubbed the sculpture "Blue Devils Horse", "Satan’s Steed" or "Lucifer" LINK TO NEWS ITEM The rearing mustang sculpture has been likened to a horse associated with the secret Government Montauk Project, which followed the more well known Philadelphia experiment. The Montauk Air Force on Long Island New York is purported to be the site of an amazing experiment in mind control, spontaneous object creation, time and space travel.
GABRIEL MOAK ON ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Hello again Theresa! I have had this email for a very long time. My actual name is in the email address as well. I am not hiding :). If anything I am hidden in plane sight. More about me; I live in Denver Colorado, I currently work in the IT industry and find myself asking allot of questions. My journey if that is a proper word for it has taken me from crystals, colors, paganism, normal Christianity, into Judaism’s/Masonic to where I am today, which is mixture all all the truths that I found to be real. Denver International Airport is a building surrounded by mystery and intrigue. Denver International Airport (DIA) has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories since it is opening in 1995. Many investigators have directly questioned airport officials in an attempt to dispel the myriad of rumors - officials however have been reported to be evasive and secretive which has fuelled the conspiratorial fires. In this article, a number of the DIA's "oddities" along with conspiracy theories surrounding them have been outlined.
Learning to live and living to learn is the Ascension Center Education motto for Life Coaches and Ascension Clergy called Reverends. There are many in the ET UFO Community that is assisting in creating conferences for the good of the global community. Common interests in the mysteries of life dealing with science, physics, metaphysics, the laws of nature, and the laws of being are being used in the body=mind=spirit holistic expositions. What was once termed ECO Expos and Whole Life Expos are cooperating and combining terms in these new global economic and environmental interests worldwide. One can hear the terms the Two E's are a concern among the world leaders.
What are we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth? Crop circles are a magnetic art form on earth. Reality is changing and so are we. We should welcome change from the old ways in order to make room for the new. Expansion is happening in the entire universe. We are also expanding. Although there are magnetic forces at work in our own personal planet of self-actualization, we also have a new awareness of magnetic forces that affect the entire planet. The entire universe is expanding and scientists and astronomers have proved this.
MAGNETIC LAW LECTURE By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris What on earth is we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth. Crop circles are a magnetic art form on earth. Reality is changing and so are we. We should welcome change from the old ways in order to make room for the new. Expansion is happening in the entire universe. We are also expanding. Although there are magnetic forces at work in our own personal planet of self-actualization, we also have a new awareness of magnetic forces that affect the entire planet. The entire universe is expanding and scientists and astronomers have proved this. There is much on earth that we are sharing regarding a portal in time to open on December 21, 2012 11:11 universal time. Supernatural, paranormal, and metaphysical are words that we can use to describe that which we do not fully understand in our reality. Magnetism and how it works is used in every day life. The planet has magnetism and we would not exist without magnetism. Science has proven magnetism in ways that are now understood and recorded in words and numbers. Prior to what we now call science magnetism was still in existence. The magnetism law of the humankind species has also always been in existence but not readily understood or explained by scientist or clergy. Magnetism is the way to understand how we can open the entire world up to conscious awareness increasing intelligence. Three are terms used in the world by extraterrestrials the ascension sentient intelligent being species. Scientists and Clergy will want to share earthly explanations. The information is prevalent and obvious to many who are educated and have been privileged to study in the schools on earth. There are also libraries that house many of the greatest recorded history on earth. There have been libraries that were thousands of years old that haven been destroyed but some information survived. There are many great teachers and philosophers. Some have passed and left the earth plane existence but energy cannot be destroyed and is essence. There are those on earths that believe the good can remain intact through magnetism as essence and choose to remain essence plasma. The negative essence must also exist and can be repelling. There is a need for both and the universe is created with both positive and negative forces. The law of nature and the law of gravity are accepted as logical and reality on earth. There are people in the ET UFO Community that are realizing that in order to share the future of extra terrestrial enlightenment and illumination in the space renaissance that we will need to share similar goals. There are ways and means to accomplish positive lifestyles preferred as Folklife. There are many who are aware of the awakening of the Age of Revealing. This was promised to many spiritual intellectuals who now consider themselves light workers. The light workers who were chosen prior to coming to earth as essence were given a task of raising conscious awareness of all on earth. This lecture and seminar outline is copyrighted with the trademark of Ascension Center Education, and service mark of Theresa J. Thurmond Morris. The following achievement assessment has been prepared for the Lightworkers who are chosen to be Reverends in the Ascension Center Education Not for profit Organization. All rights are reserved by TJMorris and TJTM tm. There is a guide used in ACE of the Ascension Center Education information that was prepared by the Founder while in Honolulu, Hawaii and Roswell, New Mexico creating the Ascension Center Education anchors and portals. For Earth Metaphysical Science courses to be used at future Ascension Center Education Folklife Metaphysical Institutes throughout the global community. (EARTH/SPACE MAGNETIC POLES 2012-7138, TAKEN UP BOOK SERIES, By Reverend Theresa J. Thurmond Morris, Ascension Center Founder, 1968. ACIR Ancient Mystery Schools.) Negative publicity attracts complaints. Negativism will destroy anything-good Thoughts when mixed with emotions forms a magnetic force. Think positive and abundance will increase whatsoever is of good report, think on the things Commitment always finds a way for success, be committed to our cause Magnetism is the power of attracting. Attracting is an irresistible force, a captivating energy. Attract information based on empowerment. An event can be a magnetic force for marketing and promotion of anyone, anywhere, anything, anytime what you wear can be a magnet. Mass time’s velocity equals momentum. M X V = MV Thoughts times emotions equals magnetic force. T X E = MF Positive Thoughts Increase Thinking is a matter of choice Ten (10) spies shut down a nation. The Force of a Magnet can be increased. "Great Minds Encounter violent opposition from mediocre people." Albert Einstein To make and atom positive you decrease the negative electrons. Induce magnetism Learn to think in terms of others, wants, needs, and desires. Increase thinkers. There will always be enough. Giving puts one in touch with a mysterious force called the law of attraction. Giving creates a magnetic force. Let go of fear. Fear will pass. Let go and let God. Doubt never accomplished anything. Where you place your attention accomplishes anything when fear arrives in thoughts, use the fear to switch to good. Say "Switch" as a trigger for the mind and practice this technique. Glorious spirit overcomes fear. Fear has to be managed. Be aware and pro-active. Know there are higher forms of power and organizations. Be a Spiritual Educator and Life Trainer. Be awakening of others through involvement, which is synergy. Events and results equal outcome. E + R = O If O is not liked change R and do not blame E. Determine how people feel not think. Shifts do occur. Law of Vacuum. One can not replace a negative without a positive to take the place. LOVE equation is the Law of Vacuum Equality. Imagine reality. Reality will change to match the image and creates Perception Shift. Perception can and will shift if one imagines the reality of it. Benjamin Franklin was also committed to a higher level of consciousness. You too can make a difference in the world through creativity by first imagining the perception and achievement. Improve by rehearsing you brain. Come to learn the synergy effect and meetings of like minds. Visualize and Reinforce goals. Brainstorm separately and together. Opinionated people breed separation. Planets instead of Universes. Single and whole makes a universe. Plan growth, expansion, and investment and income follows. Investment and Income is the result of success. One must demonstrate commitment on self-actualization. Self-discipline brings order to chaos in all beings and all things. Commit to right choices. No expectations except those desired through choice. Do not expect difficult challenges and meet them head on. Reward for supporters of success is illumination as light overcomes dark. Vision is limited by one´s own illumination process. Life is a process. Learning to live and living to learn is the Ascension Center Education motto for Life Coaches and Ascension Clergy called Reverends. There are many in the ET UFO Community that is assisting in creating conferences for the good of the global community. Common interests in the mysteries of life dealing with science, physics, metaphysics, the laws of nature, and the laws of being are being used in the body=mind=spirit holistic expositions. What was once termed ECO Expos and Whole Life Expos are cooperating and combining terms in these new global economic and environmental interests worldwide. One can hear the terms the Two E's are a concern among the world leaders. The negative and positive seminar and lecture has been given since the creation. Many people have heard this lecture. This has been given by the creator Theresa Thurmond at the Eco Expo held in California and the Whole Life Expo held in New York in the early 1990's. This copyrighted lecture has helped many people throughout the years prior to Internet shares through what was termed the World Information Network (WIN) and was updated to Global Information Network (GIN). The information is still used today in motivational lectures. NEGATIVE REPELS & POSITIVE ATTRACTS The Ascension Assessment - Dec. 21, 2012, 11:11 GABRIEL MOAK ON ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Hello again Theresa! I have had this email for a very long time. My actual name is in the email address as well. I am not hiding :). If anything, I am hidden in plane sight. More about me; I live in Denver Colorado, I currently work in the IT industry and find myself asking allot of questions. My journey if that is a proper word for it has taken me from crystals, colors, paganism, normal Christianity, into Judaism’s/Masonic to where I am today, which is mixture all all the truths that I found to be real. Denver International Airport is a building surrounded by mystery and intrigue. Denver International Airport (DIA) has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories since it is opening in 1995. Many investigators have directly questioned airport officials in an attempt to dispel the myriad of rumors - officials however have been reported to be evasive and secretive which has fuelled the conspiratorial fires. In this article, a number of the DIA's "oddities" along with conspiracy theories surrounding them have been outlined. The Construction of DIA Many have questioned the unorthodox approach to the construction of the airport. Usually, a main contractor will run a construction project from start to finish, with sub-contractors being hired in to complete specialized packages of work (steelwork, electrics, plumbing). On DIA however, main contractors and sub contractors were hired to carry out small packages of works only, then dismissed from the site. Many have speculated that this was a tactic to ensure that no construction worker saw the full scale of the construction. Five large buildings were fully constructed and subsequently deemed to have been positioned incorrectly - unusually, they were buried and the current airport constructed on top of the "incorrect" structures. The cost of the project over-ran significantly, from $1.5 billion to $5.3 billion. The layout of the airport from an aerial view, appears to have been designed in a shape resembling a swastika - synonymous with the Nazi party - it should be noted however that the swastika symbol may not necessarily be sinister, the symbol is over three thousand years old and has been used by many cultures to represent life, the sun, power, strength and good luck. The swastika shape may have also been a fluke, based upon an optimum airport / runway design. Underground base Phil Schneider was an ex-governmental geologist who turned whistleblower on many covert operations. During a series of high profile lectures, he revealed that in the last year of DIA construction, the underground levels of the airport were connected to a vast eight level deep underground base. Phil Schneider also made comment in regard to an unusual and high level of electro-magnetic energy which he personally experienced within the underground tunnels. These revelations led to much speculation about the usage of the underground facility - I have come across a number of speculations, including, the base will be an "ark" - used in the event of a cataclysmic planetary event, others believe that it is a secret military ? base, a test ground for secret experimental technology or weaponry. There is even speculation that the base could be used as a concentration camp. Denver Property many of the properties within close vicinity to DIA are "hot property" - reputedly, even the Queen of England has purchased property close to the airport under an alias. I cannot however confirm or deny these claims, but the rumors’ add weight to the theories that the airport (or what is below it) has far more significance in terms of future events than is commonly known. Mysterious Cracked Plane Windshields In February 2007, aviation authorities were investigating why at least fourteen plane windshields cracked. On Friday 16/02/07 - during 50 mph winds, eight planes that were taking off or landing at the airport experienced severely cracked windshields. On the same day, three air-borne aircraft and three stationary aircraft experienced the same phenomenon. The National Transportation Safety Board who investigated the incident ruled out impact from flying debris. Air safety Investigators however, stated that the cracking was due to fine particles of foreign debris causing deep pitting which lead to cracking. LINK TO NEWS ITEM In March 07, one further airborne craft experienced cracking to the windshield after taking off from DIA. LINK TO NEWS ITEM The affected planes were of various makes and models, fortunately, all airborne planes managed to land safely. Many have speculated that the cracking would more likely have been caused by the use of very high or very low frequency emissions emanating from the DIA vicinity. Unexplained Accident In December 2008, a plane skidded off the runway (veering 2000 feet off course?) during takeoff, the plane then inexplicably burst into flames. Forty passengers were injured in the accident. Reporters noted, "A crack encircled much of the fuselage near the trailing edge of the wings" LINK TO NEWS ITEM A full investigation is currently underway into the cause of the accident, a statement will then be released regarding probable cause. Mystery Surrounding DIA Art and Sculpture Capstone In the great hall within DIA, is a mounted capstone (containing a time capsule)- in the centre is a Masonic square and compass symbol and the wording beneath reads "New World Airport Commission", investigation into this organization indicates that it is peculiar to DIA alone - formed by private funders and local businessmen around the airport. It caught public attention because of the similarity to the "New World Order" Unusual Floor Markings many have written about the unusual floor markings within DIA. A native American studies student from UCLA translated the phrase "DZIT DIT GAII" which is carved into the floor in the DIA, as Navajo Indian "The Mountain that is White" - There are other floor inscriptions which just state "Mt Blanca" upon the floors at DIA. Mt Blanca (Colorado) was one of four sacred sites to the Navajo Indian culture - "The Holy People transformed this sacred mountain, attired it with precious gems of white beads and pure white and black feathers. The white symbolizes purity and gentleness. It also symbolizes the reproduction of the Navajo people " White Mountain could also refer to Mt Blanc (in France) which was the location where the Knights Templar signed their charter (the Knights Templar are a Masonic chapter -another potential Masonic link). In relation to the signing of the charter, a Templar from Salzburg wrote: "They gathered to form a New Order to keep alive the words which God had granted Solomon, in a dream" - Another potential link to the New World Order. The Mustang Sculpture Luis Jimenez, an American sculptor was working. On the sculpture of a rearing Mustang (Mesteno) intended for Denver International Airport, he was killed on 13/06/06, in his studio when the eight foot high piece, fell on him severing an artery in his leg. The scary blue rearing horse with glowing eyes has caused controversy due to its sinister appearance - hardly an inviting and reassuring welcome to the airport. Many have dubbed the sculpture "Blue Devils Horse", "Satan’s Steed" or "Bluecifer" LINK TO NEWS ITEM The rearing mustang sculpture has been likened to a horse associated with the secret Government Montauk Project, which followed the more well known Philadelphia experiment. The Montauk Air Force on Long Island New York is purported to be the site of an amazing experiment in mind control, spontaneous object creation, time and space travel. LINK TO SITE RE MONTAUK EXPERIMENT The sculpture is reputed to represent a statue, described in detail, by experimental time travelers during trips to a ruined city in the year 6042 AD. The Montauk Experiment is extremely interesting, but has no official verification - (which proves nothing either way)- so is open to individual research and interpretation. Gargoyle In the DIA's great hall, unusually for an airport, are two seated gargoyles -normally associated with churches or temples - a feature of plumbing to drain away excess rainfall (originally also believed to ward away evil spirits). The gargoyle adds to the surreal, weird and sinister vibe felt by many commuters. LINK TO GARGOYLE PHOTOGRAPH "A gargoyle-like sculpture that doesn't actually carry water is technically known as a chimera or simply a grotesque." LINK Murals DIA has drawn much media attention due to a number of bizarre murals which adorn the walls around the terminal. Check out the following link to view images of the murals LINKLINK TO YOUTUBE VIDEO REGARDING THESE MURALS The images are of course a matter of subjective explanation, however, even at a quick glance, they present a visibly disturbing social commentary. One set of three murals, entitled "Children of the World Dream of Peace" contains the following images: The first mural depicts a scene of genocide, death, harsh social control - there is an image of a Nazi styled gun wielding, gas masked alien figure, spearing the dove of peace on the end of a machete - surrounded by women carrying dead babies. In one corner of the Mural - is an copy of a poem, known to have been written by a child who died in a German concentration camp In the second mural, weapons are being handed , by children, to a German boy who is shaping them into (what has been interpreted to be) agricultural tools. The third mural depicts a time of peace, where bizarrely (only) children are gathered around a "new messiah" offering (what has been interpreted to be) a plant with "magic" mind-bending qualities. Conspiracy theorists have speculated that the murals depict a genuine desired agenda by either the New World Order plan or the Fourth Reich - The truth of these theories remains a matter of debate, however, it has to be said that it is clearly not, what you would expect to see in an airport! In conclusion, each of the "oddities" identified within the DIA are open to individual interpretation - but there are an awful lot of them! - What do you think?
Dear Dirk:
Please use what you can and PLACE IN PART 1-2-3 & 4. Please add Photos and share with your reader in a timely manner prior to G20 Meeting - April 2, 2009 in London, U.K. Thank you. TJ
I see Extraterrestrials. TJ Morris
Extra terrestrials offer dignity to all beings. All creations that have life in them are treated equal by extra terrestrials. Extra terrestrials are considered Superior based on their time and experience with their older and Ancient Civilizations Creations.
We as a young Ascension Sentient Intelligent Being Species are here to learn to exist and cooperate as a group of like minds with intelligent goal planning for our future.
We are they who have come before to earth from space. We are they who have a history that is real and can be modeled by those who have come before to this planet.
Some of us are called light workers who have evolved through the light beings called Attas in our Ancient History that is recorded on this planet. We are they who came before at a time when our kind was a peaceful loving generation of beings.
We were seeded here and since have had many other beings come to this planet. There have been wars for who and what intelligent being race would control this planet.
Now, we have our light cruisers or for some on earth in history have called them Sun Cruisers because they can reflect the sun and remain hidden from view to the naked eye.
There is a story I would like to share with you. This story is from the Ancient Aliens in space that are the ones who guided the people of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas, regarding the beings who were at that time called “The Great White Gods.” Those of us who are alien hybrids now realize they were not Gods but simply space travelers who came and went to galaxies in the many meta-universes. For those of you interested in my motives and intentions, I consider myself a good spiritual intelligent being and of the ATTA DNA from Andromeda Galaxy. One may call be delusional or eccentric. But, I am a story teller and artists offering a form of art for the artisans who enjoy art, culture, and education in this time while we share earth. I dare to care, share, and be aware of all things inside me.
Planet Nibiru (Ne.Bi.Ru) is known by many names, such as: Planet X, the Twelfth Planet, Marduk, Paradise, "Heaven" and the "Kingdom of the Heavens" Etc. in various cultures. Although Nibiru has been called The Twelfth Planet, technically it is not a planet of our solar system. In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star, which was the centre of Nibiru´s solar system, was visible in the skies from Earth. The orbiting pattern of Nibiru gave the Anunnaki the advantage of having a mobile observatory from which they could observe and investigate many other planets near its orbit.
The early people named Planet X as Nibiru in Sumerian, and Marduk in Babylonian. It has been said that the ancient Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the twelfth planet in our solar system and that it was "heaven" where their gods resided and came from. Nibirians, the people of Nibiru, are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim (plural for god), and Mardukians. I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those now. The word "Anunnaki" literally means "those who came from heaven to earth". Nibiru, was destroyed, the Anunnaki Elite and their cadre of attendants were forced to become transient, with the majority of them living in a huge spacecraft (like a city) that orbited the Earth. By then, the other Anunnaki races were already placed in different worlds that they had conquered, including Earth, Mars, and the rest of our solar system. They were also interspersed throughout the Orion and the Pleiades systems. Thus, it can be seen that the Anunnaki are extraordinarily powerful and many feared them. The Anunnaki Elite and those who were permitted to travel moved from the orbiting spacecraft in smaller shuttlecrafts to visit Earth below. They also sent freighter class crafts to Earth for commercial and military purposes. Inter-planetary slave trade was prevalent and lucrative. It is no wonder that the ancient people feared their gods who they claimed lived in the sky. The majorities of the earthlings now are genetically and symbolically part of the off-planet civilization of the Anunnaki.
In the Old Testament, these "heavenly" visitors are called "Anakim". Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the "Nefilim" in Hebrew, which means "they who have come down from the heavens to earth". The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS". The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave.
Pers-sires once thought to live in Persia formerly Sumer and Sumeria are just a different faction of the Anunnaki race. However, the Ducaz (Reptilians) These Anunnaki Elite were later known as Elohim and Nephilim. These evil Elohim must not be confused with the Divine Elohim of the True Creation. The Anunnaki Elite (the Nephilim) created many religions so they could be worshiped as gods; this gives them great satisfaction. The Anunnaki developed religions by corrupting any spirituality they observed in the indigenous people of the Earth. They employed religions as a powerful means of controlling the indigenous people. Different religions were set up with doctrines in direct opposition to one another in order to breed disharmony, distrust, confusion, war and arrogance.
Some claim that Jesus was a hybrid from Nibiru, which maliciously implies that He was an Anunnaki. This is patently false. Jesus is in fact, an Avatar of the Light who "incarnated" here to remind and to re-awaken the "sleeping" Divine beings of their true Divine origin.
In Genesis 6:2-4 it is recorded by the Anunnaki (who wrote most of the Old Testament) that "the sons of God" (the Anunnaki males) "saw the daughters of men that they were fair". In
developing this doctrine, the Anunnaki were trying to show that the "sons of God" were lured to Earth and corrupted by the indigenous women of Earth. In fact, the women of Earth at that time were purer than the males and the males revered them because earthlings´ spirituality retained closeness to the Divine Mother.
The Anunnaki had to twist this to make it appear that women were a gender that could not be trusted and that the males must oppress them. The "sons of God" abused and horribly mistreated the indigenous women of the Earth to set the example of a misogynistic model for the indigenous men of the Earth to follow. It was very critical to the plans of the Anunnaki to switch the gender of God from Mother to Father. The creation myths throughout the world are similar in their major thrusts. Why is this so? This is because the Anunnaki spread the various creation myths as they migrated around the world. The religions set up by the Anunnaki to control and manipulate the populations incorporated the various creation myths. These religions are not based upon love, they are based upon fear.
Wherever the Anunnaki went and conquered, they consolidated the people into densely populated communities so they could better force the people to work for them and to control them – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and economically – as slaves. They control by instilling fear and keeping the people ignorant. These patterns still exist today. However, they are more subtle and often appear more attractive today than they did in the past. Thus in this sense, humans were slaves to the Anunnaki before, and they remain so today. After some trials, the first wave of successful genetic engineering occurred on Earth about 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki introduced many alien races that they had conquered and implanted them on Earth. They also kidnapped a special race called the Race of Women and brought them to Earth. This race of women suffered greatly under the suppression and abuse of the Anunnaki. Various alien races from other worlds were brought to Earth to be used as slaves by the Anunnaki Elite. They also kidnapped aliens from other worlds and brought them here as slaves. Some were sold for hard labor, some for sex, some for soldiering and etc.
Through genetic engineering, women were made physically inferior to men in stature, strength and speed. Even in occupations where strength and speed are irrelevant, such as in the clergy, law, medicine, politics, commerce, science, etc., women are greatly disadvantaged and obstructed from participating even up to this day. This shows the extent of the chauvinistic influence of the Anunnaki. Apart from genetic engineering on humans, there was also similar work carried out on various species including the birds, reptiles, fish, beasts and plants. The Anunnaki also practice bestiality. They created monstrosities, some of which are legendary, some were half-animal, half-human, others were half-bird or half-fish and half-human.
The Genesis story was created and recorded by the civilization that was re-started by the Anunnaki. The Sumerians were amongst the earliest ones to possess recordings on tablets describing the history of the Anunnaki on Earth, which was in accordance to what the Anunnaki dictated.
The advanced civilization of Sumeria did not evolve over many, many thousands of years. Instead it was dressed up almost instantly by the introduction of many facets of civilization by the Anunnaki, including – legal system, social order, economic models, religions, science, mathematics, weights and measures, writing, literature, music, the performing arts, cosmology, painting, sculpture, astronomy, astrology, medicine, animal husbandry, domestication of plants, homeopathy, culinary skills, art, entertainment and etc. Sumeria became a civilization that other backward societies envied and feared.
About 35,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon man took over the Earth from the Neanderthal man. The Anunnaki Elite murdered the entire Neanderthal population after they had finished using the Neanderthals as specimens for genetic experiments. Homo sapiens were the result of the second wave of genetic engineering. This second wave allowed the Homo sapiens to procreate with the civilian Anunnaki.
As time went by things got out of control, with monstrosities abounding and many half-human half-beasts were running amok. In the heyday of Atlantis, there was space travel for the privileged classes. Teleportation was also common in those days for the privileged classes.
As the Atlantean "slaves" became more and more advanced, they began to disobey their "gods", the Anunnaki Elite. This concerned their masters. Thus, a decision was made by them to destroy Atlantis. Some of the Anunnaki Elite and their chosen attendants fled the Earth in huge spacecrafts and went to other planets, such as Mars, and even to other systems. Most of the Anunnaki were left behind. Upon fleeing the Earth, the Anunnaki Elite blew up Atlantis and destroyed it, hoping to kill all of the remaining Anunnaki and the rest of the inhabitants.
However, some of the Anunnaki slaves discovered the plans of the Anunnaki Elite to destroy Atlantis. Some of these slaves were able to escape before the destruction, taking with them some of the knowledge, artifacts, technology, writings, weapons and culture of Atlantis to various parts of the Earth.
Another reason the Anunnaki Elite decided to blow up Atlantis was that they were under extreme pressure from the investigation of the Attas (the Amoebic Rescuers of the Light who are like space-patrol). The Anunnaki Remnants who escaped Atlantis began constructing cultures, which we now know as Aztecan, Inca, Mayan, and most importantly the ancient Egyptian. There are many Anunnaki on planet Earth today. Some are the descendents of the survivors from Atlantis who escaped before it was blown up.
After the destruction of Atlantis, the third wave of genetic engineering performed by the higher classed Anunnaki Remnants took place about 20,000 years ago. One group of Anunnaki Remnants built the pyramids by employing massive amounts of forced human labor and advanced technology. These sites were used as launching pads for spacecrafts for the privileged classes of the Anunnaki Remnants.
Many left from Atlantis and went to the area now called Ireland and Scotland and land of the Druids. There are many stories of beings both great and small in the myths, legends, and lore. Some of the pictographs that are over 5,000 years old show the pictographs of the UFOS and the Fairy Beings are small timid winged beings of the time. There are beings now exploring the Druids Folk Lore with the understanding that there may be truth hidden in the story tellers legends and pictographs. The survivors from Atlantis were said to venture through Europe and into Egypt. The Annunaki Remnants were the human hybrids that intermingled among many races on earth. There were the Nordics known in the past as Vikings of Norway and Sweden. They are a kind race but was once considered a warrior race.
The early Egyptians who built the great pyramids and the Sphinx were also Anunnaki Remnants from Atlantis whom the Anunnaki Elite had intended to annihilate when they destroyed Atlantis. When they returned to Earth after destroying Atlantis, they saw Anunnaki Remnants´ cultures.
The Anunnaki Elite usually appointed the rulers and kings of various cultures. When the Anunnaki Elite fled and the Anunnaki Remnants took over, the Remnants adopted this pattern of appointing kingships. This is why many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian and Western European followed the order of the divine right of kings.
Thousands of years ago, when the Anunnaki Elite returned to Earth planning to re-start their dominion on Earth, they were surprised to find the Anunnaki Remnant cultures blossoming. This concerned them greatly as they thought they were losing control of the Earth to their former slaves.
In desperation, the Anunnaki Elite set upon re-taking control of the Earth. They did this by causing a deluge, which catastrophically destroyed almost all evidence of the former cultures. Only the huge monuments such as the Sphinx, the pyramids, the Ziggurats, etc survived the flood. Nearly all the huge monuments around the world were created at the behest of the Anunnaki Elite or later, the Anunnaki Remnants.
Fearful that there would be Anunnaki Remnants left after the deluge who could rapidly re-construct the culture, especially in Egypt, the Anunnaki Elite took the tremendous risk of selecting an area of the Earth onto which they could instantaneously deposit a culture that would be far superior to that of any tribe on Earth. This emergency plan was executed in Sumeria.
Sumeria developed almost instantaneously because of an extremely urgent situation. The Anunnaki Elite were losing influence over the Earth to the Anunnaki Remnants of Atlantis who had escaped, amongst other places, to Egypt and to the Americas. These Anunnaki Remnants were developing the Egyptian, Aztecan, Mayan and Inca cultures and could attain dominance if left to their own devices. Therefore, the Anunnaki Elite took the extreme risky decision to create a super culture complete with written language and records in Sumeria.
At this point, the most powerful of the Attas of the Light interceded and captured a great number of the Anunnaki Elite. Many of the Anunnaki Elite fled the Earth yet again in their spacecrafts and returned to Orion and the Pleiades systems. These once proud and "mighty" Anunnaki Elite are now nothing but fugitives cowering in hiding.
The Genesis story was used to control the people and to force them to worship the Anunnaki Elite as gods from the sky. The story of Genesis is not the story of the True Divine Creation. The story of Genesis is in fact, very recent when compared to the scheme of things, so how can it be a creation story?
There were already various groups of races of aliens and earthlings on Earth when the Anunnaki Elite first took control of a portion of the Earth. There were battles among the various groups for supremacy, but the Anunnaki Elite were too powerful for them. The Sumerian tablets record events of so-called origins of man and creation that were really events of the beginning of the Anunnaki Elite´s latest colonization of the Earth.
The conquerors themselves wrote the tablets. Thus, what the Sumerians dictated by their so-called gods recorded on the tablets, was self-serving. Through experience, the Anunnaki had seen how religions could control the populations of various worlds. They use this important tool for control.
The Old Testament is dedicated to Yahweh. It is male orientated because the Anunnaki were extremely upset with Mother Goddess worship and wanted to eliminate any mention of her. The Old Testament acknowledges the presence of many Anunnaki "gods" on Earth in early times. The Genesis story is about the spread of humankind through generations following Adam and Eve and the story of the "divine´s" disenchantment with humankind that preceded the deluge.
In the Sumerian texts, there was mention of the people of the Shem (meaning spaceship). The Anunnaki were the people of the Shem, and they came down to Earth and copulated with primitive earthlings. This is recorded in the Genesis story.
The Anunnaki Elite also started a new, highly advanced culture in Babylon. As always, they destroy cultures and murder the populations whenever they get out of hand, then they re-start elsewhere.
Today the Anunnaki Remnants are planning to re-establish the "majesty" of bygone days when the Anunnaki Elite had a complete tyranny over the Earth. They plan to re-start the world again. The Anunnaki Remnants, with the help of humans as well as the incarnated Anunnaki in human bodies, have built massive underground bunkers and railway lines that are a part of their structure for allowing them and their cadre of attendants to survive the catastrophes that they believe the fugitive Anunnaki Elite are planning for the Earth. They cannot leave the planet in spacecrafts because they were left with limited resources after the Anunnaki Elite escaped with all of the technologically advanced spacecrafts.
The Anunnaki Remnants think that they can select their own chosen ones (as their masters did) and take refuge with them in underground bunkers during the period of catastrophes. They plan to take a whole garrison of "slaves" underground. These will include soldiers, police, fire fighters, cooks, entertainers, beauticians, doctors, scientists, etc. In the aftermath, they will use them on the surface, as before. Most importantly, they will use their own new breed of clones to populate the Earth. The Earth population is being programmed to accept this underground scenario as can be seen in movies like Deep Impact. These Anunnaki think that their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, will be returning as before, and they think that they will have pleased them with the way that they have influenced the Earth. 1
However, the Anunnaki Remnants´ plan has been thwarted. Their evil desire to destroy much of the life and the culture on the surface of the Earth will fail. In the aftermath, they expect to find the Earth inhabited with only a relatively few survivors whom they would easily subdue with the weapons, technology and military forces that they secured underground during the catastrophes. They hope their masters will restart all cultures with themselves deified and served by the people they plan to enslave.
The ones chosen to continue in their new civilization are humans and clones who have specially chosen characteristics for blind obedience. They think their masters will once again be the literal gods of the world.
The Anunnaki Remnants are now amongst us. They are our current puppet masters who manipulate and control the world. At present, the cloning of humans, animals and plants are common activities with these aliens in our midst. The public does not know this diabolical scheme, the world leaders, and their minions will vehemently deny it.
Thus, for a long, long time the Earth has been a planet run by slavers!
The Anunnaki on Earth are awaiting reinforcements from their masters, the Anunnaki Elite who escaped temporarily to other solar systems when the Attas were after them. However, the reinforcements will not be coming to Earth this time because the Attas have restricted their reinforcements, so the existing Anunnaki on Earth are stuck.
The Sun Cruisers that have been detected recently are part of The Rescue Team from the Light. They are not of Eridanean origin as has been speculated by some. The Sun Cruisers are on standby because the Light anticipates that the Anunnaki Elite will attempt to return to the Earth to cause all manner of catastrophes, and to re-supply the Anunnaki Remnants. However, should any Anunnaki Elite attempt to come to Earth; they will encounter invincible forces from the Light.
The Anunnaki Remnants are confused by the clearing of the planet by such means as global warming, volcanoes, fires, wars and etc. They thought that these are the signs of the return of the Anunnaki Elite to Earth. However, they are now beginning to suspect their masters cannot get through the Light´s security Fleet in stellar space above earth.
The Light Workers are called by many names and are to keep status quo and are in place to keep out those beings who would destroy earth and kill or enslave the inhabitants.
Lemuria is the beginning of the Light Workers on Earth. Follow the clues to the teachers adn the guides. We all have access to the light workers and our past lineage. The treasure is real. Some of the greatest and wisest in history is here for all that can understand the meaning of the words and the signs of the times. The words we speak of the Gods is in code. We must remember the treasure is within and is separated from the lock and the key.
I am one voice among many but, I am entitled to use the word Oracle as a title, talent, and gift. This is not part of rank at all. It is simply a description of what I do while I am on earth.
Rankism is something that we as light workers are here to end during this 21st century of humankind. We are here to share, care, and be aware that all beings on earth are created equal.
We are here on earth to share that there are intelligent beings on earth and in space. We are here with a mission and purpose to share information and knowledge as education.
We are here to bring health and prosperity to all beings on earth. This is our message nad out mission. We will need everyone’s assistance to achieve this goal. It will probably take time in earth years and we have a goal of fifty (50) earth years given to us at a time but, those of us who are here are of one generation who came with the Roswell UFO timing of July 4, 1947.
There are those who arrived to usher in the Earth Space Plethora Renaissance (ESPR). These are the light workers who my generation gave birth too. My four daughters are all light workers born during a time between 1968 and 1978. They know a completely different work and world than I do. There world is not familiar to me as a parent. These changes that occurred in our lifetime was part of the constant change of things to come.
We are all here on earth for a purpose and I simply use me and my four daughters as an example of what light workers are here to be and do. This has to do with the real truth of ancient historians and how the “Keeper of the Flame” ways are always restored on earth in a feminine ray so to speak because of our close contact to the “Divine Mother”.
This may not be setting well but it is a positive story for all of us whether male, female, gay, straight, liberal, conservative, educated, ignorant, this story is about equality.
The story of the Divine Mother is about Health and Prosperity for all intelligent beings on earth.
We are now approaching a time of change when Dignity of all beings must be upheld and restored to those who are presently alive on planet earth.
The Anunnaki Remnants are confused by the clearing of the planet by such means as global warming, volcanoes, fires, wars and etc. They thought that these are the signs of the return of the Anunnaki Elite to Earth. However, they are now beginning to suspect their masters cannot get through the Light´s security Fleet in stellar space above earth.
The Light Workers are called by many names and are to keep status quo and are in place to keep out those beings who would destroy earth and kill or enslave the inhabitants.
Lemuria is the beginning of the Light Workers on Earth. Follow the clues to the teachers an the guides. We all have access to the light workers and our past lineage. The treasure is real. Some of the greatest and wisest in history is here for all that can understand the meaning of the words and the signs of the times. The words we speak of the Gods is in code. We must remember the treasure is within and is separated from the lock and the key.
Dignity is what will become the new politics of this age of revealing the truth.
This story is long awaited and has been told would come to earth.
We are all now going to experience health and prosperity with the guidance of our Extra Terrestrials beings.
We are now protected by extra terrestrials beings and they continually uphold that we will remain a free race of beings on this planet.
There are some stories of our history that need to be told and understood. I am going to share this story as a One Upon a Time so that many can follow along and hope that they with hold their prejudices and closed mindedness. We can all change the story but the spirit will remain the same as one may arrive at by reading this story I am obliged to share now during this time of the G20 Meeting. TJ
Rankism is at a place in time on earth when we need to address this as we did the old prejudices of color of a human’s skin. At one time on earth, there were people who lived before us in time that thought that simply because a person had more pigment and were dark skinned that they were not equal to those of light color skin. This was somewhat due to the need to have pigment on this planet to survive and human beings adjusted in order to survive. While we travel in space, we do not have the sun rays to provide the darker color and we do not need the darker pigmentation in our group of beings. This is the only difference among those in space and those on earth. Otherwise, we all have the same humanoid being physical structure with a head, torso, limbs, neck, and are bi-peddle. Now, one of the old stories that I shall repeat that will be in my book. This story is ancient and has been told throughout time on earth. People can find this story on their own in what was once termed myths, legends, and even in the stories of writers that are incorporated in the Bible.
RE MONTAUK EXPERIMENT The sculpture is reputed to represent a statue, described in detail, by experimental time travelers during trips to a ruined city in the year 6042 AD. The Montauk Experiment is extremely interesting, but has no official verification - (which proves nothing either way)- so is open to individual research and interpretation. Gargoyle In the DIA's great hall, unusually for an airport, are two seated gargoyles -normally associated with churches or temples - a feature of plumbing to drain away excess rainfall (originally also believed to ward away evil spirits). The gargoyle adds to the surreal, weird and sinister vibe felt by many commuters. LINK TO GARGOYLE PHOTOGRAPH "A gargoyle-like sculpture that doesn't actually carry water is technically known as a chimera or simply a grotesque." LINK Murals DIA has drawn much media attention due to a number of bizarre murals, which adorn the walls around the terminal. Check out the following link to view images of the murals LINKLINK TO YOUTUBE VIDEO REGARDING THESE MURALS The images are of course a matter of subjective explanation, however, even at a quick glance, they present a visibly disturbing social commentary. One set of three murals, entitled "Children of the World Dream of Peace" contains the following images: The first mural depicts a scene of genocide, death, harsh social control - there is an image of a Nazi styled gun wielding, gas masked alien figure, spearing the dove of peace on the end of a machete - surrounded by women carrying dead babies. In one corner of the Mural - is an copy of a poem, known to have been written by a child who died in a German concentration camp In the second mural, weapons are being handed , by children, to a German boy who is shaping them into (what has been interpreted to be) agricultural tools. The third mural depicts a time of peace, where bizarrely (only) children are gathered around a "new messiah" offering (what has been interpreted to be) a plant with "magic" mind-bending qualities. Conspiracy theorists have speculated that the murals depict a genuine desired agenda by either the New World Order plan or the Fourth Reich - The truth of these theories remains a matter of debate, however, it has to be said that it is clearly not, what you would expect to see in an airport! In conclusion, each of the "oddities" identified within the DIA are open to individual interpretation - but there are an awful lot of them! - What do you think?
The Construction of DIA Many has questioned the unorthodox approach to the construction of the airport. Usually, a main contractor will run a construction project from start to finish, with sub-contractors being hired in to complete specialized packages of work (steelwork, electrics, plumbing). On DIA however, main contractors and sub contractors were hired to carry out small packages of works only, then dismissed from the site. Many have speculated that this was a tactic to ensure that no construction worker saw the full scale of the construction. Five large buildings were fully constructed and subsequently deemed to have been positioned incorrectly - unusually, they were buried and the current airport constructed on top of the "incorrect" structures. The cost of the project over-ran significantly, from $1.5 billion to $5.3 billion. The layout of the airport from an aerial view, appears to have been designed in a shape resembling a swastika - synonymous with the Nazi party - it should be noted however that the swastika symbol may not necessarily be sinister, the symbol is over three thousand years old and has been used by many cultures to represent life, the sun, power, strength and good luck. The swastika shape may have also been a fluke, based upon an optimum airport / runway design. Underground base Phil Schneider was an ex-governmental geologist who turned whistleblower on many covert operations. During a series of high profile lectures, he revealed that in the last year of DIA construction, the underground levels of the airport were connected to a vast eight level deep underground base. Phil Schneider also made comment about an unusual and high level of electro-magnetic energy, which he personally experienced within the underground tunnels. These revelations led to much speculation about the usage of the underground facility - I have come across a number of speculations, including, the base will be an "ark" - used in the event of a cataclysmic planetary event, others believe that it is a secret military? Base, a test ground for secret experimental technology or weaponry. There is even speculation that the base could be used as a concentration camp. Denver Property Many of the properties within close vicinity to DIA are "hot property" - reputedly, even the Queen of England has purchased property close to the airport under an alias. I cannot however confirm or deny these claims, but the rumors’ add weight to the theories that the airport (or what is below it) has far more significance in terms of future events than is commonly known. Mysterious Cracked Plane Windshields In February 2007, aviation authorities were investigating why at least fourteen plane windshields cracked. On Friday 16/02/07 - during 50 mph winds, eight planes that were taking off or landing at the airport experienced severely cracked windshields. On the same day, three air-borne aircraft and three stationary aircraft experienced the same phenomenon. The National Transportation Safety Board who investigated the incident ruled out impact from flying debris. Air safety Investigators however, stated that the cracking was due to fine particles of foreign debris causing deep pitting which lead to cracking. LINK TO NEWS ITEM In March 07, one further airborne craft experienced cracking to the windshield after taking off from DIA. LINK TO NEWS ITEM The affected planes were of various makes and models, fortunately, all airborne planes managed to land safely. Many have speculated that the cracking would more likely have been caused by the use of very high or very low frequency emissions emanating from the DIA vicinity. Unexplained Accident In December 2008, a plane skidded off the runway (veering 2000 feet off course ? ) during takeoff, the plane then inexplicably burst into flames. Forty passengers were injured in the accident. Reporters noted, "A crack encircled much of the fuselage near the trailing edge of the wings" LINK TO NEWS ITEM A full investigation is currently underway into the cause of the accident, a statement will then be released regarding probable cause. Mystery Surrounding DIA Art and Sculpture Capstone In the great hall within DIA, is a mounted capstone (containing a time capsule)- in the centre is a Masonic square and compass symbol and the wording beneath reads "New World Airport Commission", investigation into this organization indicates that it is peculiar to DIA alone - formed by private funders and local businessmen around the airport. It caught public attention because of the similarity to the "New World Order" Unusual Floor Markings many have written about the unusual floor markings within DIA. A native American studies student from UCLA translated the phrase "DZIT DIT GAII" which is carved into the floor in the DIA, as Navajo Indian "The Mountain that is White" - There are other floor inscriptions which just state "Mt Blanca" upon the floors at DIA. Mt Blanca (Colorado) was one of four sacred sites to the Navajo Indian culture - "The Holy People transformed this sacred mountain, attired it with precious gems of white beads and pure white and black feathers. The white symbolizes purity and gentleness. It also symbolizes the reproduction of the Navajo people " White Mountain could also refer to Mt Blanc (in France) which was the location where the Knights Templar signed their charter (the Knights Templar are a Masonic chapter -another potential Masonic link). In relation to the signing of the charter, a Templar from Salzburg wrote: "They gathered to form a New Order to keep alive the words which God had granted Solomon, in a dream" - Another potential link to the New World Order. The Mustang Sculpture Luis Jimenez, an American sculptor was working. On the sculpture of a rearing Mustang (Mesteno) intended for Denver International Airport, he was killed on 13/06/06, in his studio when the eight foot high piece, fell on him severing an artery in his leg. The scary blue rearing horse with glowing eyes has caused controversy due to its sinister appearance - hardly an inviting and reassuring welcome to the airport. Many have dubbed the sculpture "Blue Devils Horse", "Satan’s Steed" or "Lucifer" LINK TO NEWS ITEM The rearing mustang sculpture has been likened to a horse associated with the secret Government Montauk Project, which followed the more well known Philadelphia experiment. The Montauk Air Force on Long Island New York is purported to be the site of an amazing experiment in mind control, spontaneous object creation, time and space travel.
GABRIEL MOAK ON ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Hello again Theresa! I have had this email for a very long time. My actual name is in the email address as well. I am not hiding :). If anything I am hidden in plane sight. More about me; I live in Denver Colorado, I currently work in the IT industry and find myself asking allot of questions. My journey if that is a proper word for it has taken me from crystals, colors, paganism, normal Christianity, into Judaism’s/Masonic to where I am today, which is mixture all all the truths that I found to be real. Denver International Airport is a building surrounded by mystery and intrigue. Denver International Airport (DIA) has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories since it is opening in 1995. Many investigators have directly questioned airport officials in an attempt to dispel the myriad of rumors - officials however have been reported to be evasive and secretive which has fuelled the conspiratorial fires. In this article, a number of the DIA's "oddities" along with conspiracy theories surrounding them have been outlined.
Learning to live and living to learn is the Ascension Center Education motto for Life Coaches and Ascension Clergy called Reverends. There are many in the ET UFO Community that is assisting in creating conferences for the good of the global community. Common interests in the mysteries of life dealing with science, physics, metaphysics, the laws of nature, and the laws of being are being used in the body=mind=spirit holistic expositions. What was once termed ECO Expos and Whole Life Expos are cooperating and combining terms in these new global economic and environmental interests worldwide. One can hear the terms the Two E's are a concern among the world leaders.
What are we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth? Crop circles are a magnetic art form on earth. Reality is changing and so are we. We should welcome change from the old ways in order to make room for the new. Expansion is happening in the entire universe. We are also expanding. Although there are magnetic forces at work in our own personal planet of self-actualization, we also have a new awareness of magnetic forces that affect the entire planet. The entire universe is expanding and scientists and astronomers have proved this.
MAGNETIC LAW LECTURE By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris What on earth is we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth. Crop circles are a magnetic art form on earth. Reality is changing and so are we. We should welcome change from the old ways in order to make room for the new. Expansion is happening in the entire universe. We are also expanding. Although there are magnetic forces at work in our own personal planet of self-actualization, we also have a new awareness of magnetic forces that affect the entire planet. The entire universe is expanding and scientists and astronomers have proved this. There is much on earth that we are sharing regarding a portal in time to open on December 21, 2012 11:11 universal time. Supernatural, paranormal, and metaphysical are words that we can use to describe that which we do not fully understand in our reality. Magnetism and how it works is used in every day life. The planet has magnetism and we would not exist without magnetism. Science has proven magnetism in ways that are now understood and recorded in words and numbers. Prior to what we now call science magnetism was still in existence. The magnetism law of the humankind species has also always been in existence but not readily understood or explained by scientist or clergy. Magnetism is the way to understand how we can open the entire world up to conscious awareness increasing intelligence. Three are terms used in the world by extraterrestrials the ascension sentient intelligent being species. Scientists and Clergy will want to share earthly explanations. The information is prevalent and obvious to many who are educated and have been privileged to study in the schools on earth. There are also libraries that house many of the greatest recorded history on earth. There have been libraries that were thousands of years old that haven been destroyed but some information survived. There are many great teachers and philosophers. Some have passed and left the earth plane existence but energy cannot be destroyed and is essence. There are those on earths that believe the good can remain intact through magnetism as essence and choose to remain essence plasma. The negative essence must also exist and can be repelling. There is a need for both and the universe is created with both positive and negative forces. The law of nature and the law of gravity are accepted as logical and reality on earth. There are people in the ET UFO Community that are realizing that in order to share the future of extra terrestrial enlightenment and illumination in the space renaissance that we will need to share similar goals. There are ways and means to accomplish positive lifestyles preferred as Folklife. There are many who are aware of the awakening of the Age of Revealing. This was promised to many spiritual intellectuals who now consider themselves light workers. The light workers who were chosen prior to coming to earth as essence were given a task of raising conscious awareness of all on earth. This lecture and seminar outline is copyrighted with the trademark of Ascension Center Education, and service mark of Theresa J. Thurmond Morris. The following achievement assessment has been prepared for the Lightworkers who are chosen to be Reverends in the Ascension Center Education Not for profit Organization. All rights are reserved by TJMorris and TJTM tm. There is a guide used in ACE of the Ascension Center Education information that was prepared by the Founder while in Honolulu, Hawaii and Roswell, New Mexico creating the Ascension Center Education anchors and portals. For Earth Metaphysical Science courses to be used at future Ascension Center Education Folklife Metaphysical Institutes throughout the global community. (EARTH/SPACE MAGNETIC POLES 2012-7138, TAKEN UP BOOK SERIES, By Reverend Theresa J. Thurmond Morris, Ascension Center Founder, 1968. ACIR Ancient Mystery Schools.) Negative publicity attracts complaints. Negativism will destroy anything-good Thoughts when mixed with emotions forms a magnetic force. Think positive and abundance will increase whatsoever is of good report, think on the things Commitment always finds a way for success, be committed to our cause Magnetism is the power of attracting. Attracting is an irresistible force, a captivating energy. Attract information based on empowerment. An event can be a magnetic force for marketing and promotion of anyone, anywhere, anything, anytime what you wear can be a magnet. Mass time’s velocity equals momentum. M X V = MV Thoughts times emotions equals magnetic force. T X E = MF Positive Thoughts Increase Thinking is a matter of choice Ten (10) spies shut down a nation. The Force of a Magnet can be increased. "Great Minds Encounter violent opposition from mediocre people." Albert Einstein To make and atom positive you decrease the negative electrons. Induce magnetism Learn to think in terms of others, wants, needs, and desires. Increase thinkers. There will always be enough. Giving puts one in touch with a mysterious force called the law of attraction. Giving creates a magnetic force. Let go of fear. Fear will pass. Let go and let God. Doubt never accomplished anything. Where you place your attention accomplishes anything when fear arrives in thoughts, use the fear to switch to good. Say "Switch" as a trigger for the mind and practice this technique. Glorious spirit overcomes fear. Fear has to be managed. Be aware and pro-active. Know there are higher forms of power and organizations. Be a Spiritual Educator and Life Trainer. Be awakening of others through involvement, which is synergy. Events and results equal outcome. E + R = O If O is not liked change R and do not blame E. Determine how people feel not think. Shifts do occur. Law of Vacuum. One can not replace a negative without a positive to take the place. LOVE equation is the Law of Vacuum Equality. Imagine reality. Reality will change to match the image and creates Perception Shift. Perception can and will shift if one imagines the reality of it. Benjamin Franklin was also committed to a higher level of consciousness. You too can make a difference in the world through creativity by first imagining the perception and achievement. Improve by rehearsing you brain. Come to learn the synergy effect and meetings of like minds. Visualize and Reinforce goals. Brainstorm separately and together. Opinionated people breed separation. Planets instead of Universes. Single and whole makes a universe. Plan growth, expansion, and investment and income follows. Investment and Income is the result of success. One must demonstrate commitment on self-actualization. Self-discipline brings order to chaos in all beings and all things. Commit to right choices. No expectations except those desired through choice. Do not expect difficult challenges and meet them head on. Reward for supporters of success is illumination as light overcomes dark. Vision is limited by one´s own illumination process. Life is a process. Learning to live and living to learn is the Ascension Center Education motto for Life Coaches and Ascension Clergy called Reverends. There are many in the ET UFO Community that is assisting in creating conferences for the good of the global community. Common interests in the mysteries of life dealing with science, physics, metaphysics, the laws of nature, and the laws of being are being used in the body=mind=spirit holistic expositions. What was once termed ECO Expos and Whole Life Expos are cooperating and combining terms in these new global economic and environmental interests worldwide. One can hear the terms the Two E's are a concern among the world leaders. The negative and positive seminar and lecture has been given since the creation. Many people have heard this lecture. This has been given by the creator Theresa Thurmond at the Eco Expo held in California and the Whole Life Expo held in New York in the early 1990's. This copyrighted lecture has helped many people throughout the years prior to Internet shares through what was termed the World Information Network (WIN) and was updated to Global Information Network (GIN). The information is still used today in motivational lectures. NEGATIVE REPELS & POSITIVE ATTRACTS The Ascension Assessment - Dec. 21, 2012, 11:11 GABRIEL MOAK ON ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Hello again Theresa! I have had this email for a very long time. My actual name is in the email address as well. I am not hiding :). If anything, I am hidden in plane sight. More about me; I live in Denver Colorado, I currently work in the IT industry and find myself asking allot of questions. My journey if that is a proper word for it has taken me from crystals, colors, paganism, normal Christianity, into Judaism’s/Masonic to where I am today, which is mixture all all the truths that I found to be real. Denver International Airport is a building surrounded by mystery and intrigue. Denver International Airport (DIA) has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories since it is opening in 1995. Many investigators have directly questioned airport officials in an attempt to dispel the myriad of rumors - officials however have been reported to be evasive and secretive which has fuelled the conspiratorial fires. In this article, a number of the DIA's "oddities" along with conspiracy theories surrounding them have been outlined. The Construction of DIA Many have questioned the unorthodox approach to the construction of the airport. Usually, a main contractor will run a construction project from start to finish, with sub-contractors being hired in to complete specialized packages of work (steelwork, electrics, plumbing). On DIA however, main contractors and sub contractors were hired to carry out small packages of works only, then dismissed from the site. Many have speculated that this was a tactic to ensure that no construction worker saw the full scale of the construction. Five large buildings were fully constructed and subsequently deemed to have been positioned incorrectly - unusually, they were buried and the current airport constructed on top of the "incorrect" structures. The cost of the project over-ran significantly, from $1.5 billion to $5.3 billion. The layout of the airport from an aerial view, appears to have been designed in a shape resembling a swastika - synonymous with the Nazi party - it should be noted however that the swastika symbol may not necessarily be sinister, the symbol is over three thousand years old and has been used by many cultures to represent life, the sun, power, strength and good luck. The swastika shape may have also been a fluke, based upon an optimum airport / runway design. Underground base Phil Schneider was an ex-governmental geologist who turned whistleblower on many covert operations. During a series of high profile lectures, he revealed that in the last year of DIA construction, the underground levels of the airport were connected to a vast eight level deep underground base. Phil Schneider also made comment in regard to an unusual and high level of electro-magnetic energy which he personally experienced within the underground tunnels. These revelations led to much speculation about the usage of the underground facility - I have come across a number of speculations, including, the base will be an "ark" - used in the event of a cataclysmic planetary event, others believe that it is a secret military ? base, a test ground for secret experimental technology or weaponry. There is even speculation that the base could be used as a concentration camp. Denver Property many of the properties within close vicinity to DIA are "hot property" - reputedly, even the Queen of England has purchased property close to the airport under an alias. I cannot however confirm or deny these claims, but the rumors’ add weight to the theories that the airport (or what is below it) has far more significance in terms of future events than is commonly known. Mysterious Cracked Plane Windshields In February 2007, aviation authorities were investigating why at least fourteen plane windshields cracked. On Friday 16/02/07 - during 50 mph winds, eight planes that were taking off or landing at the airport experienced severely cracked windshields. On the same day, three air-borne aircraft and three stationary aircraft experienced the same phenomenon. The National Transportation Safety Board who investigated the incident ruled out impact from flying debris. Air safety Investigators however, stated that the cracking was due to fine particles of foreign debris causing deep pitting which lead to cracking. LINK TO NEWS ITEM In March 07, one further airborne craft experienced cracking to the windshield after taking off from DIA. LINK TO NEWS ITEM The affected planes were of various makes and models, fortunately, all airborne planes managed to land safely. Many have speculated that the cracking would more likely have been caused by the use of very high or very low frequency emissions emanating from the DIA vicinity. Unexplained Accident In December 2008, a plane skidded off the runway (veering 2000 feet off course?) during takeoff, the plane then inexplicably burst into flames. Forty passengers were injured in the accident. Reporters noted, "A crack encircled much of the fuselage near the trailing edge of the wings" LINK TO NEWS ITEM A full investigation is currently underway into the cause of the accident, a statement will then be released regarding probable cause. Mystery Surrounding DIA Art and Sculpture Capstone In the great hall within DIA, is a mounted capstone (containing a time capsule)- in the centre is a Masonic square and compass symbol and the wording beneath reads "New World Airport Commission", investigation into this organization indicates that it is peculiar to DIA alone - formed by private funders and local businessmen around the airport. It caught public attention because of the similarity to the "New World Order" Unusual Floor Markings many have written about the unusual floor markings within DIA. A native American studies student from UCLA translated the phrase "DZIT DIT GAII" which is carved into the floor in the DIA, as Navajo Indian "The Mountain that is White" - There are other floor inscriptions which just state "Mt Blanca" upon the floors at DIA. Mt Blanca (Colorado) was one of four sacred sites to the Navajo Indian culture - "The Holy People transformed this sacred mountain, attired it with precious gems of white beads and pure white and black feathers. The white symbolizes purity and gentleness. It also symbolizes the reproduction of the Navajo people " White Mountain could also refer to Mt Blanc (in France) which was the location where the Knights Templar signed their charter (the Knights Templar are a Masonic chapter -another potential Masonic link). In relation to the signing of the charter, a Templar from Salzburg wrote: "They gathered to form a New Order to keep alive the words which God had granted Solomon, in a dream" - Another potential link to the New World Order. The Mustang Sculpture Luis Jimenez, an American sculptor was working. On the sculpture of a rearing Mustang (Mesteno) intended for Denver International Airport, he was killed on 13/06/06, in his studio when the eight foot high piece, fell on him severing an artery in his leg. The scary blue rearing horse with glowing eyes has caused controversy due to its sinister appearance - hardly an inviting and reassuring welcome to the airport. Many have dubbed the sculpture "Blue Devils Horse", "Satan’s Steed" or "Bluecifer" LINK TO NEWS ITEM The rearing mustang sculpture has been likened to a horse associated with the secret Government Montauk Project, which followed the more well known Philadelphia experiment. The Montauk Air Force on Long Island New York is purported to be the site of an amazing experiment in mind control, spontaneous object creation, time and space travel. LINK TO SITE RE MONTAUK EXPERIMENT The sculpture is reputed to represent a statue, described in detail, by experimental time travelers during trips to a ruined city in the year 6042 AD. The Montauk Experiment is extremely interesting, but has no official verification - (which proves nothing either way)- so is open to individual research and interpretation. Gargoyle In the DIA's great hall, unusually for an airport, are two seated gargoyles -normally associated with churches or temples - a feature of plumbing to drain away excess rainfall (originally also believed to ward away evil spirits). The gargoyle adds to the surreal, weird and sinister vibe felt by many commuters. LINK TO GARGOYLE PHOTOGRAPH "A gargoyle-like sculpture that doesn't actually carry water is technically known as a chimera or simply a grotesque." LINK Murals DIA has drawn much media attention due to a number of bizarre murals which adorn the walls around the terminal. Check out the following link to view images of the murals LINKLINK TO YOUTUBE VIDEO REGARDING THESE MURALS The images are of course a matter of subjective explanation, however, even at a quick glance, they present a visibly disturbing social commentary. One set of three murals, entitled "Children of the World Dream of Peace" contains the following images: The first mural depicts a scene of genocide, death, harsh social control - there is an image of a Nazi styled gun wielding, gas masked alien figure, spearing the dove of peace on the end of a machete - surrounded by women carrying dead babies. In one corner of the Mural - is an copy of a poem, known to have been written by a child who died in a German concentration camp In the second mural, weapons are being handed , by children, to a German boy who is shaping them into (what has been interpreted to be) agricultural tools. The third mural depicts a time of peace, where bizarrely (only) children are gathered around a "new messiah" offering (what has been interpreted to be) a plant with "magic" mind-bending qualities. Conspiracy theorists have speculated that the murals depict a genuine desired agenda by either the New World Order plan or the Fourth Reich - The truth of these theories remains a matter of debate, however, it has to be said that it is clearly not, what you would expect to see in an airport! In conclusion, each of the "oddities" identified within the DIA are open to individual interpretation - but there are an awful lot of them! - What do you think?
Dear Dirk:
Please use what you can and PLACE IN PART 1-2-3 & 4. Please add Photos and share with your reader in a timely manner prior to G20 Meeting - April 2, 2009 in London, U.K. Thank you. TJ
I see Extraterrestrials. TJ Morris
Extra terrestrials offer dignity to all beings. All creations that have life in them are treated equal by extra terrestrials. Extra terrestrials are considered Superior based on their time and experience with their older and Ancient Civilizations Creations.
We as a young Ascension Sentient Intelligent Being Species are here to learn to exist and cooperate as a group of like minds with intelligent goal planning for our future.
We are they who have come before to earth from space. We are they who have a history that is real and can be modeled by those who have come before to this planet.
Some of us are called light workers who have evolved through the light beings called Attas in our Ancient History that is recorded on this planet. We are they who came before at a time when our kind was a peaceful loving generation of beings.
We were seeded here and since have had many other beings come to this planet. There have been wars for who and what intelligent being race would control this planet.
Now, we have our light cruisers or for some on earth in history have called them Sun Cruisers because they can reflect the sun and remain hidden from view to the naked eye.
There is a story I would like to share with you. This story is from the Ancient Aliens in space that are the ones who guided the people of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas, regarding the beings who were at that time called “The Great White Gods.” Those of us who are alien hybrids now realize they were not Gods but simply space travelers who came and went to galaxies in the many meta-universes. For those of you interested in my motives and intentions, I consider myself a good spiritual intelligent being and of the ATTA DNA from Andromeda Galaxy. One may call be delusional or eccentric. But, I am a story teller and artists offering a form of art for the artisans who enjoy art, culture, and education in this time while we share earth. I dare to care, share, and be aware of all things inside me.
Planet Nibiru (Ne.Bi.Ru) is known by many names, such as: Planet X, the Twelfth Planet, Marduk, Paradise, "Heaven" and the "Kingdom of the Heavens" Etc. in various cultures. Although Nibiru has been called The Twelfth Planet, technically it is not a planet of our solar system. In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star, which was the centre of Nibiru´s solar system, was visible in the skies from Earth. The orbiting pattern of Nibiru gave the Anunnaki the advantage of having a mobile observatory from which they could observe and investigate many other planets near its orbit.
The early people named Planet X as Nibiru in Sumerian, and Marduk in Babylonian. It has been said that the ancient Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the twelfth planet in our solar system and that it was "heaven" where their gods resided and came from. Nibirians, the people of Nibiru, are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim (plural for god), and Mardukians. I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those now. The word "Anunnaki" literally means "those who came from heaven to earth". Nibiru, was destroyed, the Anunnaki Elite and their cadre of attendants were forced to become transient, with the majority of them living in a huge spacecraft (like a city) that orbited the Earth. By then, the other Anunnaki races were already placed in different worlds that they had conquered, including Earth, Mars, and the rest of our solar system. They were also interspersed throughout the Orion and the Pleiades systems. Thus, it can be seen that the Anunnaki are extraordinarily powerful and many feared them. The Anunnaki Elite and those who were permitted to travel moved from the orbiting spacecraft in smaller shuttlecrafts to visit Earth below. They also sent freighter class crafts to Earth for commercial and military purposes. Inter-planetary slave trade was prevalent and lucrative. It is no wonder that the ancient people feared their gods who they claimed lived in the sky. The majorities of the earthlings now are genetically and symbolically part of the off-planet civilization of the Anunnaki.
In the Old Testament, these "heavenly" visitors are called "Anakim". Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the "Nefilim" in Hebrew, which means "they who have come down from the heavens to earth". The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS". The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave.
Pers-sires once thought to live in Persia formerly Sumer and Sumeria are just a different faction of the Anunnaki race. However, the Ducaz (Reptilians) These Anunnaki Elite were later known as Elohim and Nephilim. These evil Elohim must not be confused with the Divine Elohim of the True Creation. The Anunnaki Elite (the Nephilim) created many religions so they could be worshiped as gods; this gives them great satisfaction. The Anunnaki developed religions by corrupting any spirituality they observed in the indigenous people of the Earth. They employed religions as a powerful means of controlling the indigenous people. Different religions were set up with doctrines in direct opposition to one another in order to breed disharmony, distrust, confusion, war and arrogance.
Some claim that Jesus was a hybrid from Nibiru, which maliciously implies that He was an Anunnaki. This is patently false. Jesus is in fact, an Avatar of the Light who "incarnated" here to remind and to re-awaken the "sleeping" Divine beings of their true Divine origin.
In Genesis 6:2-4 it is recorded by the Anunnaki (who wrote most of the Old Testament) that "the sons of God" (the Anunnaki males) "saw the daughters of men that they were fair". In
developing this doctrine, the Anunnaki were trying to show that the "sons of God" were lured to Earth and corrupted by the indigenous women of Earth. In fact, the women of Earth at that time were purer than the males and the males revered them because earthlings´ spirituality retained closeness to the Divine Mother.
The Anunnaki had to twist this to make it appear that women were a gender that could not be trusted and that the males must oppress them. The "sons of God" abused and horribly mistreated the indigenous women of the Earth to set the example of a misogynistic model for the indigenous men of the Earth to follow. It was very critical to the plans of the Anunnaki to switch the gender of God from Mother to Father. The creation myths throughout the world are similar in their major thrusts. Why is this so? This is because the Anunnaki spread the various creation myths as they migrated around the world. The religions set up by the Anunnaki to control and manipulate the populations incorporated the various creation myths. These religions are not based upon love, they are based upon fear.
Wherever the Anunnaki went and conquered, they consolidated the people into densely populated communities so they could better force the people to work for them and to control them – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and economically – as slaves. They control by instilling fear and keeping the people ignorant. These patterns still exist today. However, they are more subtle and often appear more attractive today than they did in the past. Thus in this sense, humans were slaves to the Anunnaki before, and they remain so today. After some trials, the first wave of successful genetic engineering occurred on Earth about 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki introduced many alien races that they had conquered and implanted them on Earth. They also kidnapped a special race called the Race of Women and brought them to Earth. This race of women suffered greatly under the suppression and abuse of the Anunnaki. Various alien races from other worlds were brought to Earth to be used as slaves by the Anunnaki Elite. They also kidnapped aliens from other worlds and brought them here as slaves. Some were sold for hard labor, some for sex, some for soldiering and etc.
Through genetic engineering, women were made physically inferior to men in stature, strength and speed. Even in occupations where strength and speed are irrelevant, such as in the clergy, law, medicine, politics, commerce, science, etc., women are greatly disadvantaged and obstructed from participating even up to this day. This shows the extent of the chauvinistic influence of the Anunnaki. Apart from genetic engineering on humans, there was also similar work carried out on various species including the birds, reptiles, fish, beasts and plants. The Anunnaki also practice bestiality. They created monstrosities, some of which are legendary, some were half-animal, half-human, others were half-bird or half-fish and half-human.
The Genesis story was created and recorded by the civilization that was re-started by the Anunnaki. The Sumerians were amongst the earliest ones to possess recordings on tablets describing the history of the Anunnaki on Earth, which was in accordance to what the Anunnaki dictated.
The advanced civilization of Sumeria did not evolve over many, many thousands of years. Instead it was dressed up almost instantly by the introduction of many facets of civilization by the Anunnaki, including – legal system, social order, economic models, religions, science, mathematics, weights and measures, writing, literature, music, the performing arts, cosmology, painting, sculpture, astronomy, astrology, medicine, animal husbandry, domestication of plants, homeopathy, culinary skills, art, entertainment and etc. Sumeria became a civilization that other backward societies envied and feared.
About 35,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon man took over the Earth from the Neanderthal man. The Anunnaki Elite murdered the entire Neanderthal population after they had finished using the Neanderthals as specimens for genetic experiments. Homo sapiens were the result of the second wave of genetic engineering. This second wave allowed the Homo sapiens to procreate with the civilian Anunnaki.
As time went by things got out of control, with monstrosities abounding and many half-human half-beasts were running amok. In the heyday of Atlantis, there was space travel for the privileged classes. Teleportation was also common in those days for the privileged classes.
As the Atlantean "slaves" became more and more advanced, they began to disobey their "gods", the Anunnaki Elite. This concerned their masters. Thus, a decision was made by them to destroy Atlantis. Some of the Anunnaki Elite and their chosen attendants fled the Earth in huge spacecrafts and went to other planets, such as Mars, and even to other systems. Most of the Anunnaki were left behind. Upon fleeing the Earth, the Anunnaki Elite blew up Atlantis and destroyed it, hoping to kill all of the remaining Anunnaki and the rest of the inhabitants.
However, some of the Anunnaki slaves discovered the plans of the Anunnaki Elite to destroy Atlantis. Some of these slaves were able to escape before the destruction, taking with them some of the knowledge, artifacts, technology, writings, weapons and culture of Atlantis to various parts of the Earth.
Another reason the Anunnaki Elite decided to blow up Atlantis was that they were under extreme pressure from the investigation of the Attas (the Amoebic Rescuers of the Light who are like space-patrol). The Anunnaki Remnants who escaped Atlantis began constructing cultures, which we now know as Aztecan, Inca, Mayan, and most importantly the ancient Egyptian. There are many Anunnaki on planet Earth today. Some are the descendents of the survivors from Atlantis who escaped before it was blown up.
After the destruction of Atlantis, the third wave of genetic engineering performed by the higher classed Anunnaki Remnants took place about 20,000 years ago. One group of Anunnaki Remnants built the pyramids by employing massive amounts of forced human labor and advanced technology. These sites were used as launching pads for spacecrafts for the privileged classes of the Anunnaki Remnants.
Many left from Atlantis and went to the area now called Ireland and Scotland and land of the Druids. There are many stories of beings both great and small in the myths, legends, and lore. Some of the pictographs that are over 5,000 years old show the pictographs of the UFOS and the Fairy Beings are small timid winged beings of the time. There are beings now exploring the Druids Folk Lore with the understanding that there may be truth hidden in the story tellers legends and pictographs. The survivors from Atlantis were said to venture through Europe and into Egypt. The Annunaki Remnants were the human hybrids that intermingled among many races on earth. There were the Nordics known in the past as Vikings of Norway and Sweden. They are a kind race but was once considered a warrior race.
The early Egyptians who built the great pyramids and the Sphinx were also Anunnaki Remnants from Atlantis whom the Anunnaki Elite had intended to annihilate when they destroyed Atlantis. When they returned to Earth after destroying Atlantis, they saw Anunnaki Remnants´ cultures.
The Anunnaki Elite usually appointed the rulers and kings of various cultures. When the Anunnaki Elite fled and the Anunnaki Remnants took over, the Remnants adopted this pattern of appointing kingships. This is why many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian and Western European followed the order of the divine right of kings.
Thousands of years ago, when the Anunnaki Elite returned to Earth planning to re-start their dominion on Earth, they were surprised to find the Anunnaki Remnant cultures blossoming. This concerned them greatly as they thought they were losing control of the Earth to their former slaves.
In desperation, the Anunnaki Elite set upon re-taking control of the Earth. They did this by causing a deluge, which catastrophically destroyed almost all evidence of the former cultures. Only the huge monuments such as the Sphinx, the pyramids, the Ziggurats, etc survived the flood. Nearly all the huge monuments around the world were created at the behest of the Anunnaki Elite or later, the Anunnaki Remnants.
Fearful that there would be Anunnaki Remnants left after the deluge who could rapidly re-construct the culture, especially in Egypt, the Anunnaki Elite took the tremendous risk of selecting an area of the Earth onto which they could instantaneously deposit a culture that would be far superior to that of any tribe on Earth. This emergency plan was executed in Sumeria.
Sumeria developed almost instantaneously because of an extremely urgent situation. The Anunnaki Elite were losing influence over the Earth to the Anunnaki Remnants of Atlantis who had escaped, amongst other places, to Egypt and to the Americas. These Anunnaki Remnants were developing the Egyptian, Aztecan, Mayan and Inca cultures and could attain dominance if left to their own devices. Therefore, the Anunnaki Elite took the extreme risky decision to create a super culture complete with written language and records in Sumeria.
At this point, the most powerful of the Attas of the Light interceded and captured a great number of the Anunnaki Elite. Many of the Anunnaki Elite fled the Earth yet again in their spacecrafts and returned to Orion and the Pleiades systems. These once proud and "mighty" Anunnaki Elite are now nothing but fugitives cowering in hiding.
The Genesis story was used to control the people and to force them to worship the Anunnaki Elite as gods from the sky. The story of Genesis is not the story of the True Divine Creation. The story of Genesis is in fact, very recent when compared to the scheme of things, so how can it be a creation story?
There were already various groups of races of aliens and earthlings on Earth when the Anunnaki Elite first took control of a portion of the Earth. There were battles among the various groups for supremacy, but the Anunnaki Elite were too powerful for them. The Sumerian tablets record events of so-called origins of man and creation that were really events of the beginning of the Anunnaki Elite´s latest colonization of the Earth.
The conquerors themselves wrote the tablets. Thus, what the Sumerians dictated by their so-called gods recorded on the tablets, was self-serving. Through experience, the Anunnaki had seen how religions could control the populations of various worlds. They use this important tool for control.
The Old Testament is dedicated to Yahweh. It is male orientated because the Anunnaki were extremely upset with Mother Goddess worship and wanted to eliminate any mention of her. The Old Testament acknowledges the presence of many Anunnaki "gods" on Earth in early times. The Genesis story is about the spread of humankind through generations following Adam and Eve and the story of the "divine´s" disenchantment with humankind that preceded the deluge.
In the Sumerian texts, there was mention of the people of the Shem (meaning spaceship). The Anunnaki were the people of the Shem, and they came down to Earth and copulated with primitive earthlings. This is recorded in the Genesis story.
The Anunnaki Elite also started a new, highly advanced culture in Babylon. As always, they destroy cultures and murder the populations whenever they get out of hand, then they re-start elsewhere.
Today the Anunnaki Remnants are planning to re-establish the "majesty" of bygone days when the Anunnaki Elite had a complete tyranny over the Earth. They plan to re-start the world again. The Anunnaki Remnants, with the help of humans as well as the incarnated Anunnaki in human bodies, have built massive underground bunkers and railway lines that are a part of their structure for allowing them and their cadre of attendants to survive the catastrophes that they believe the fugitive Anunnaki Elite are planning for the Earth. They cannot leave the planet in spacecrafts because they were left with limited resources after the Anunnaki Elite escaped with all of the technologically advanced spacecrafts.
The Anunnaki Remnants think that they can select their own chosen ones (as their masters did) and take refuge with them in underground bunkers during the period of catastrophes. They plan to take a whole garrison of "slaves" underground. These will include soldiers, police, fire fighters, cooks, entertainers, beauticians, doctors, scientists, etc. In the aftermath, they will use them on the surface, as before. Most importantly, they will use their own new breed of clones to populate the Earth. The Earth population is being programmed to accept this underground scenario as can be seen in movies like Deep Impact. These Anunnaki think that their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, will be returning as before, and they think that they will have pleased them with the way that they have influenced the Earth. 1
However, the Anunnaki Remnants´ plan has been thwarted. Their evil desire to destroy much of the life and the culture on the surface of the Earth will fail. In the aftermath, they expect to find the Earth inhabited with only a relatively few survivors whom they would easily subdue with the weapons, technology and military forces that they secured underground during the catastrophes. They hope their masters will restart all cultures with themselves deified and served by the people they plan to enslave.
The ones chosen to continue in their new civilization are humans and clones who have specially chosen characteristics for blind obedience. They think their masters will once again be the literal gods of the world.
The Anunnaki Remnants are now amongst us. They are our current puppet masters who manipulate and control the world. At present, the cloning of humans, animals and plants are common activities with these aliens in our midst. The public does not know this diabolical scheme, the world leaders, and their minions will vehemently deny it.
Thus, for a long, long time the Earth has been a planet run by slavers!
The Anunnaki on Earth are awaiting reinforcements from their masters, the Anunnaki Elite who escaped temporarily to other solar systems when the Attas were after them. However, the reinforcements will not be coming to Earth this time because the Attas have restricted their reinforcements, so the existing Anunnaki on Earth are stuck.
The Sun Cruisers that have been detected recently are part of The Rescue Team from the Light. They are not of Eridanean origin as has been speculated by some. The Sun Cruisers are on standby because the Light anticipates that the Anunnaki Elite will attempt to return to the Earth to cause all manner of catastrophes, and to re-supply the Anunnaki Remnants. However, should any Anunnaki Elite attempt to come to Earth; they will encounter invincible forces from the Light.
The Anunnaki Remnants are confused by the clearing of the planet by such means as global warming, volcanoes, fires, wars and etc. They thought that these are the signs of the return of the Anunnaki Elite to Earth. However, they are now beginning to suspect their masters cannot get through the Light´s security Fleet in stellar space above earth.
The Light Workers are called by many names and are to keep status quo and are in place to keep out those beings who would destroy earth and kill or enslave the inhabitants.
Lemuria is the beginning of the Light Workers on Earth. Follow the clues to the teachers adn the guides. We all have access to the light workers and our past lineage. The treasure is real. Some of the greatest and wisest in history is here for all that can understand the meaning of the words and the signs of the times. The words we speak of the Gods is in code. We must remember the treasure is within and is separated from the lock and the key.
I am one voice among many but, I am entitled to use the word Oracle as a title, talent, and gift. This is not part of rank at all. It is simply a description of what I do while I am on earth.
Rankism is something that we as light workers are here to end during this 21st century of humankind. We are here to share, care, and be aware that all beings on earth are created equal.
We are here on earth to share that there are intelligent beings on earth and in space. We are here with a mission and purpose to share information and knowledge as education.
We are here to bring health and prosperity to all beings on earth. This is our message nad out mission. We will need everyone’s assistance to achieve this goal. It will probably take time in earth years and we have a goal of fifty (50) earth years given to us at a time but, those of us who are here are of one generation who came with the Roswell UFO timing of July 4, 1947.
There are those who arrived to usher in the Earth Space Plethora Renaissance (ESPR). These are the light workers who my generation gave birth too. My four daughters are all light workers born during a time between 1968 and 1978. They know a completely different work and world than I do. There world is not familiar to me as a parent. These changes that occurred in our lifetime was part of the constant change of things to come.
We are all here on earth for a purpose and I simply use me and my four daughters as an example of what light workers are here to be and do. This has to do with the real truth of ancient historians and how the “Keeper of the Flame” ways are always restored on earth in a feminine ray so to speak because of our close contact to the “Divine Mother”.
This may not be setting well but it is a positive story for all of us whether male, female, gay, straight, liberal, conservative, educated, ignorant, this story is about equality.
The story of the Divine Mother is about Health and Prosperity for all intelligent beings on earth.
We are now approaching a time of change when Dignity of all beings must be upheld and restored to those who are presently alive on planet earth.
The Anunnaki Remnants are confused by the clearing of the planet by such means as global warming, volcanoes, fires, wars and etc. They thought that these are the signs of the return of the Anunnaki Elite to Earth. However, they are now beginning to suspect their masters cannot get through the Light´s security Fleet in stellar space above earth.
The Light Workers are called by many names and are to keep status quo and are in place to keep out those beings who would destroy earth and kill or enslave the inhabitants.
Lemuria is the beginning of the Light Workers on Earth. Follow the clues to the teachers an the guides. We all have access to the light workers and our past lineage. The treasure is real. Some of the greatest and wisest in history is here for all that can understand the meaning of the words and the signs of the times. The words we speak of the Gods is in code. We must remember the treasure is within and is separated from the lock and the key.
Dignity is what will become the new politics of this age of revealing the truth.
This story is long awaited and has been told would come to earth.
We are all now going to experience health and prosperity with the guidance of our Extra Terrestrials beings.
We are now protected by extra terrestrials beings and they continually uphold that we will remain a free race of beings on this planet.
There are some stories of our history that need to be told and understood. I am going to share this story as a One Upon a Time so that many can follow along and hope that they with hold their prejudices and closed mindedness. We can all change the story but the spirit will remain the same as one may arrive at by reading this story I am obliged to share now during this time of the G20 Meeting. TJ
Rankism is at a place in time on earth when we need to address this as we did the old prejudices of color of a human’s skin. At one time on earth, there were people who lived before us in time that thought that simply because a person had more pigment and were dark skinned that they were not equal to those of light color skin. This was somewhat due to the need to have pigment on this planet to survive and human beings adjusted in order to survive. While we travel in space, we do not have the sun rays to provide the darker color and we do not need the darker pigmentation in our group of beings. This is the only difference among those in space and those on earth. Otherwise, we all have the same humanoid being physical structure with a head, torso, limbs, neck, and are bi-peddle. Now, one of the old stories that I shall repeat that will be in my book. This story is ancient and has been told throughout time on earth. People can find this story on their own in what was once termed myths, legends, and even in the stories of writers that are incorporated in the Bible.
Theresa J. Thurmond Morris May 08, 2009
What on earth are we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth? Change is the one constant in the universe. 2012 magnetic laws, universal bonds, and civil unions will be about balance and moderation.
There are more ways of magnetism than are being addressed in the global community and new media. We have every issue about everyone and every time to consider.
The ways beyond earth have bonds among companions without matrimony. Terrestrials marriage bonds are only upheld on earth by the ones who create the bonds.
The state and federal laws in the United States are being changed and possibly future right to bear and manufacture arms in each state.
We have some new laws that are changing the old laws. Some laws in the world may need to be changed but not the Constitution of the United States or the Declaration of Independence. We have the best laws in the world and the best democracy in America.
American people uphold the constitution of the United States.
We may want to revisit the Magna Carta and all the laws of Magnetism that apply to life on earth in general. Some of our human ancestors had it right before we got here.
The Magna Carta
Magna Carta, 1297: Widely viewed as one of the most important legal documents in the history of democracy. On display in the West Rotunda Gallery at the National Archives. Presented courtesy of David M. Rubenstein.
here is a law which is above the King and which even he must not break. This reaffirmation of a supreme law and its expression in a general charter is the great work of Magna Carta; and this alone justifies the respect in which men have held it.
Winston Churchill, 1956
King John of England agreed, in 1215, to the demands of his barons and authorized that handwritten copies of Magna Carta be prepared on parchment, affixed with his seal, and publicly read throughout the realm. Thus he bound not only himself but his "heirs, for ever" to grant "to all freemen of our kingdom" the rights and liberties the great charter described. With Magna Carta, King John placed himself and England's future sovereigns and magistrates within the rule of law.
When Englishmen left their homeland to establish colonies in the New World, they brought with them charters guaranteeing that they and their heirs would "have and enjoy all liberties and immunities of free and natural subjects." Scant generations later, when these American colonists raised arms against their mother country, they were fighting not for new freedoms but to preserve liberties that dated to the 13th century.
When representatives of the young republic of the United States gathered to draft a constitution, they turned to the legal system they knew and admired--English common law as evolved from Magna Carta. The conceptual debt to the great charter is particularly obvious: the American Constitution is "the Supreme Law of the Land," just as the rights granted by Magna Carta were not to be arbitrarily canceled by subsequent English laws.
This heritage is most clearly apparent in our Bill of Rights. The fifth amendment guarantees
"No person deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
Written 575 years earlier, The Magna Carta declares this;
No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned,...or in any other way destroyed...except by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to none will we deny or delay, right or justice.
In 1957 the American Bar Association acknowledged the debt American law and constitutionalism had to Magna Carta and English common law by erecting a monument at Runnymede. Yet, as close as Magna Carta and American concepts of liberty are,they remain distinct. Magna Carta is a charter of ancient liberties guaranteed by a king to his subjects; the Constitution of the United States is the establishment of a government by and for "We the People."
We may want to look at magnetism and how it affects all of us when it comes to entering the civil union and bonds of matrimony. Each subject we address with law may effect others. We must respect interstate transportation laws or some states may be deprived.
Each state and the laws that apply to us while traveling may cut down our economic growth. I have been keeping up with people in America and other countries who I talk to on the Internet on a regular basis. Many are telling me that Americans have hurt their own economy by outsourcing so many jobs to other countries including in a major way to China. This means we need to look at how we appear helping others more than ourselves.
It is time we realize that there are more than two sides and then the truth. We need to raise our consciousness to obtain a bird's eye view. The eye in the middle of the pyramid is what has been used throughout eternity. Life is eternal.
We have ways that have been accepted as magnetism of beings on earth that have been hidden in the shadows. This did not mean that the magnetism did not exist. It just was what some beings call a "Don't Tell" attitude. Secrets that could be damaging.
WE best understand the AGE OF REVELATION about the three (3) E's as Everyone, Economy, Environment and not necessarily in that order. The three (3) E's are used among business and social entrepreneurs alike for everyone, everything, everytime when it comes to the Internet Highway.
Crop circles are a magnetic art form on earth. Reality is changing and so are we. We should welcome change from the old ways in order to make room for the new. Expansion is happening in the entire universe. We are also expanding.
Although there are magnetic forces at work in our own personal planet of self actualization, we also have a new awareness of magnetic forces that effect the entire planet. The whole entire universe is expanding and this has been proven by scientists and astronomers.
There is much on earth that we are sharing regarding a portal in time to open on December 21, 2012 11:11 universal time. Supernatural, paranormal, and metaphysical are words that we can use to describe that which we do not fully understand in our reality.
Magnetism and how it works is used in every day life. The planet has magnetism and we would not exist without magnetism. Science has proven magnetism in ways that are now understood and recorded in words and numbers. Prior to what we now call science magnetism was still in existence. The magnetism law of the humankind species has also always been in existence but not readily understood or explained by scientist or clergy.
Magnetism is the way to understand how we can open the entire world up to conscious awareness increasing intelligence.
Three are terms used in the world by extraterrestrials the ascension sentient intelligent being species. Scientists and Clergy will want to share earthly explanations.
There are many great teachers and philosophers. Some have passed and left the earth plane existence but energy cannot be destroyed and is essence. There are those on earth that believe the good can remain intact through magnetism as essence and choose to remain essence plasma. The negative essence must also exist and can be repelling. There is a need for both and the universe is created with both positive and negative forces. The law of nature and the law of gravity are accepted as logical and reality on earth.
This includes bisexuals, extraterrestrials, asexuals, gays, lesbians, everyone, straights, and this includes transgenders and octogenarians too!
Someday we will be an Octogenarian or can hope anyway.
American Culture is about adding in the acronym BEAGLES TO. B for Bisexuals, E for Extraterrestrials, A for Asexuals, G for Gays, L for Lesbians, E for Everyone, with T for Transgenders, and O for Octogenarians. The acronym we should be using and discussing in Investigative Reporting and our New Media is BEAGLES TO. The New Media is a way to open minds, open forums, and open up public awareness.
There are some of us who have had our time on earth with magnetic energy and as we became older it dissipated. This may be part of the human evolutionary process for some and maybe all after a certain age on earth. We need to decide in all our future laws whether marriage should be legal for people over a certain age.
The reason is that through time on earth, there have been many reports of Octogenarians who are people between the age of 80 and 90 meeting in nursing homes who have bonded emotionally and desire to make the bond official and public by getting married. This is a controversial issue. But also, just because one has magnetism to another being does not mean that they have a right to bond in holy matrimony if they want too does it? In America the consent should first be between the two people who consent and are over the age for an adult. In most cases this is eighteen and accountable with an average twelve year public high school equivalent in education. But we are all male and female so what is the difference in civil unions and holy matrimony in churches?
We already have those who are common law married in states so this has to be addressed. We also have to address whether we will outlaw having children and who has the right to raise children under the legal age of accountability of eighteen years according to law. Whether one is drawn to the magnetism of the same or opposite gender is a bonding issue between the two beings. Government cannot control all beings in all things.
Magnetism of beings is something that science is studying now with regard to the genome, DNA, thought processing, pheromones, and all other scientific logic and reasoning.
Negative publicity attracts complaints.
Negativism will destroy anything good
Thoughts when mixed with emotions forms a magnetic force.
Think positive and abundance will increase
Whatsoever is of good report, think on these things
Commitment always finds a way for success, be committed to our cause
Magnetism is the power of attracting. Attracting is an irresistible force, a captivating energy.
Attract information based on empowerment. An event can be a magnetic force for marketing and promotion of anyone, anyplace, anything, anytime
What you wear can be a magnet.
Mass times velocity equals momentum. M X V = MV
Thoughts times emotions equals magnetic force. T X E = M F
Positive Thoughts Increase
Thinking is a matter of choice
Ten (10) spies shut down a nation.
The Force of a Magnet can be increased.
"Great Minds Encounter violent opposition from mediocre people." Albert Einstein
To make and atom positive you decrease the negative electrons. Induce magnetism
Learn to think in terms of others, wants, needs, and desires.
Increase thinkers. There will always be enough.
Giving puts one in touch with a mysterious force called the law of attraction.
Giving creates a magnetic force.
Let go of fear. Fear will pass. Let go and let God. Doubt never accomplished anything.
Where you place your attention accomplishes anything
When fear arrives in thoughts, use the fear to switch to good. Say "Switch" as a trigger for the mind and practice this technique.
Glorious spirit overcomes fear. Fear has to be managed.
Be aware and pro-active.
Know there are higher forms of power and organizations.
Be a Spiritual Educator and Life Trainer. Be awakening of others through involvement which is synergy.
Events and results equal outcome. E + R = O
If O is not liked change R and do not blame E.
Determine how people feel not think. Shifts do occur.
Law of Vacuum. One can not replace a negative without a positive to take the place. LOVE equation is the Law of Vacuum Equality.
Imagine reality. Reality will change to match the image and creates Perception Shift. Perception can and will shift if one imagines the reality of it.
Benjamin Franklin was also committed to a higher level of consciousness. You too can make a difference in the world through creativity by first imagining the perception and achievement.
Improve by rehearsing you brain. Come to learn the synergy effect and meetings of like minds.
Visualize and Reinforce goals.
Brainstorm separately and together. Opinionated people breed separation. Planets instead of Universes. Single and whole makes a universe.
Plan growth, expansion, and investment and income follows. Investment and Income is the result of success.
One must demonstrate commitment on self actualization. Self discipline brings order to chaos in all beings and all things. Commit to right choices.
No expectations except those desired through choice. Do not expect difficult challenges and meet them head on.
Reward for supporters of success is illumination as light overcomes dark.
Vision is limited by one´s own illumination process. Life is a process. Learning to live and living to learn is the Ascension Center Education motto for Life Coaches and Ascension Clergy called Reverends. there are many in the ET UFO Community that are assisting in creating conferences for the good of the global community. Common interests in the mysteries of life dealing with science, physics, metaphysics, the laws of nature, and the laws of being are being used in the body=mind=spirit holistic expositions. What was once termed ECO Expos and Whole Life Expos are cooperating and combining terms in this new global economic and environmental interests worldwide. One can hear the terms the Two E's are a concern among the world leaders.
There are laws of magnetism when it comes to emotional bonds of the ascension sentient intelligent species. We will evolve away from the lower level emotions. These will include the need for stereo typing being by lifestyles and cultures but, this will take time. Until such time, we will have to learn to live with our differences.
The negative and positive seminar and lecture has been given since the creation. Many people have heard this lecture. This has been given by the creator Theresa Thurmond at the Eco Expo held in California and the Whole Life Expo held in New York in the early 1990's. This copyrighted lecture has helped many people throughout the years prior to Internet shares through what was termed the World Information Network (WIN) and was updated to Global Information Network (GIN). The information is still used today in motivational lectures. We have two sides and the truth is in the middle to be discovered.
A law of this land has to do with clergy being called by God directly. I speak to many beings who believe they have the divine right to be clergy based on their perception that they were called by God to do spiritual work in this world. I am considered a Reverend of Ascension Center and have been since 1990. No one has questioned my authority ever. I have had laying on of hands by the preacher of the Unity Church in Houston in 1985 and this was done in front of thousands of members while Stephen Halpern was there as well. I have been given many church callings as a reverend by the laying on of hands.
I was asked to take over the ministry for then 104 year old Reverend John Crystal Morris who lived to be 108 years and 11 months. I agreed to take over his writing ministry and to feed his sheep through writing. This is now my calling. Who is to say that I am not called by God if I believe this and I know that my eternal essence is composed of both male and female energy and left and right brain documented abilities mapped out in my mind like others. The last part to occur in our growth has to do with matching up our mental ways with our physical ways. Our spirit comes either in male or female dominant ways as spirit and essence to our beings. Who is to say that transgenders did not simply have a crossing over. This will be proven in the future. We will all have some education and science to accept in this age of revealing.
My brother David Patrick Thurmond died of aids. This was very public in Houston, Texas.
David's only regret was not having a bonded union with a companion who he could love while here on earth. I vowed to share my this energy and desire of his to others. This means accepting all creations of God, a higher power, the creator, the energy in the Field of Origin or whatever one wants to call the force that created the original magnetic law that holds all things together.
If I could bring my brother back and change the laws for beings who want to be bonded legally in a civil union on earth I would. The Ascension Center came as an answer to serve others in spirit. I wanted to help others. My sister, Brenda Thurmond Thomas became an RN when David died. His death meant more purpose for his sisters. Wendy Thurmond Finley is David's twin sister. Wendy and Brenda are singers and minsters through music and a healing spirit way of being in balance with all they meet. They are guiding angels in many ways. We all should be better at who we are assisting others in balance of every day life while here on earth.
Balance in life and everything in moderation is supposed to assist each of us as an individual being. "We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be." a quote at an old Cherokee Feast of days.
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Theresa J. Thurmond Morris May 08, 2009
What on earth are we doing now to confuse and dispute the magnetism law of the humankind species on earth? Change is the one constant in the universe. 2012 magnetic laws, universal bonds, and civil unions will be about balance and moderation.
There are more ways of magnetism than are being addressed in the global community and new media. We have every issue about everyone and every time to consider.
The ways beyond earth have bonds among companions without matrimony. Terrestrials marriage bonds are only upheld on earth by the ones who create the bonds.
The state and federal laws in the United States are being changed and possibly future right to bear and manufacture arms in each state.
We have some new laws that are changing the old laws. Some laws in the world may need to be changed but not the Constitution of the United States or the Declaration of Independence. We have the best laws in the world and the best democracy in America.
American people uphold the constitution of the United States.
We may want to revisit the Magna Carta and all the laws of Magnetism that apply to life on earth in general. Some of our human ancestors had it right before we got here.
The Magna Carta
Magna Carta, 1297: Widely viewed as one of the most important legal documents in the history of democracy. On display in the West Rotunda Gallery at the National Archives. Presented courtesy of David M. Rubenstein.
here is a law which is above the King and which even he must not break. This reaffirmation of a supreme law and its expression in a general charter is the great work of Magna Carta; and this alone justifies the respect in which men have held it.
Winston Churchill, 1956
King John of England agreed, in 1215, to the demands of his barons and authorized that handwritten copies of Magna Carta be prepared on parchment, affixed with his seal, and publicly read throughout the realm. Thus he bound not only himself but his "heirs, for ever" to grant "to all freemen of our kingdom" the rights and liberties the great charter described. With Magna Carta, King John placed himself and England's future sovereigns and magistrates within the rule of law.
When Englishmen left their homeland to establish colonies in the New World, they brought with them charters guaranteeing that they and their heirs would "have and enjoy all liberties and immunities of free and natural subjects." Scant generations later, when these American colonists raised arms against their mother country, they were fighting not for new freedoms but to preserve liberties that dated to the 13th century.
When representatives of the young republic of the United States gathered to draft a constitution, they turned to the legal system they knew and admired--English common law as evolved from Magna Carta. The conceptual debt to the great charter is particularly obvious: the American Constitution is "the Supreme Law of the Land," just as the rights granted by Magna Carta were not to be arbitrarily canceled by subsequent English laws.
This heritage is most clearly apparent in our Bill of Rights. The fifth amendment guarantees
"No person deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
Written 575 years earlier, The Magna Carta declares this;
No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned,...or in any other way destroyed...except by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to none will we deny or delay, right or justice.
In 1957 the American Bar Association acknowledged the debt American law and constitutionalism had to Magna Carta and English common law by erecting a monument at Runnymede. Yet, as close as Magna Carta and American concepts of liberty are,they remain distinct. Magna Carta is a charter of ancient liberties guaranteed by a king to his subjects; the Constitution of the United States is the establishment of a government by and for "We the People."
We may want to look at magnetism and how it affects all of us when it comes to entering the civil union and bonds of matrimony. Each subject we address with law may effect others. We must respect interstate transportation laws or some states may be deprived.
Each state and the laws that apply to us while traveling may cut down our economic growth. I have been keeping up with people in America and other countries who I talk to on the Internet on a regular basis. Many are telling me that Americans have hurt their own economy by outsourcing so many jobs to other countries including in a major way to China. This means we need to look at how we appear helping others more than ourselves.
It is time we realize that there are more than two sides and then the truth. We need to raise our consciousness to obtain a bird's eye view. The eye in the middle of the pyramid is what has been used throughout eternity. Life is eternal.
We have ways that have been accepted as magnetism of beings on earth that have been hidden in the shadows. This did not mean that the magnetism did not exist. It just was what some beings call a "Don't Tell" attitude. Secrets that could be damaging.
WE best understand the AGE OF REVELATION about the three (3) E's as Everyone, Economy, Environment and not necessarily in that order. The three (3) E's are used among business and social entrepreneurs alike for everyone, everything, everytime when it comes to the Internet Highway.
Crop circles are a magnetic art form on earth. Reality is changing and so are we. We should welcome change from the old ways in order to make room for the new. Expansion is happening in the entire universe. We are also expanding.
Although there are magnetic forces at work in our own personal planet of self actualization, we also have a new awareness of magnetic forces that effect the entire planet. The whole entire universe is expanding and this has been proven by scientists and astronomers.
There is much on earth that we are sharing regarding a portal in time to open on December 21, 2012 11:11 universal time. Supernatural, paranormal, and metaphysical are words that we can use to describe that which we do not fully understand in our reality.
Magnetism and how it works is used in every day life. The planet has magnetism and we would not exist without magnetism. Science has proven magnetism in ways that are now understood and recorded in words and numbers. Prior to what we now call science magnetism was still in existence. The magnetism law of the humankind species has also always been in existence but not readily understood or explained by scientist or clergy.
Magnetism is the way to understand how we can open the entire world up to conscious awareness increasing intelligence.
Three are terms used in the world by extraterrestrials the ascension sentient intelligent being species. Scientists and Clergy will want to share earthly explanations.
There are many great teachers and philosophers. Some have passed and left the earth plane existence but energy cannot be destroyed and is essence. There are those on earth that believe the good can remain intact through magnetism as essence and choose to remain essence plasma. The negative essence must also exist and can be repelling. There is a need for both and the universe is created with both positive and negative forces. The law of nature and the law of gravity are accepted as logical and reality on earth.
This includes bisexuals, extraterrestrials, asexuals, gays, lesbians, everyone, straights, and this includes transgenders and octogenarians too!
Someday we will be an Octogenarian or can hope anyway.
American Culture is about adding in the acronym BEAGLES TO. B for Bisexuals, E for Extraterrestrials, A for Asexuals, G for Gays, L for Lesbians, E for Everyone, with T for Transgenders, and O for Octogenarians. The acronym we should be using and discussing in Investigative Reporting and our New Media is BEAGLES TO. The New Media is a way to open minds, open forums, and open up public awareness.
There are some of us who have had our time on earth with magnetic energy and as we became older it dissipated. This may be part of the human evolutionary process for some and maybe all after a certain age on earth. We need to decide in all our future laws whether marriage should be legal for people over a certain age.
The reason is that through time on earth, there have been many reports of Octogenarians who are people between the age of 80 and 90 meeting in nursing homes who have bonded emotionally and desire to make the bond official and public by getting married. This is a controversial issue. But also, just because one has magnetism to another being does not mean that they have a right to bond in holy matrimony if they want too does it? In America the consent should first be between the two people who consent and are over the age for an adult. In most cases this is eighteen and accountable with an average twelve year public high school equivalent in education. But we are all male and female so what is the difference in civil unions and holy matrimony in churches?
We already have those who are common law married in states so this has to be addressed. We also have to address whether we will outlaw having children and who has the right to raise children under the legal age of accountability of eighteen years according to law. Whether one is drawn to the magnetism of the same or opposite gender is a bonding issue between the two beings. Government cannot control all beings in all things.
Magnetism of beings is something that science is studying now with regard to the genome, DNA, thought processing, pheromones, and all other scientific logic and reasoning.
Negative publicity attracts complaints.
Negativism will destroy anything good
Thoughts when mixed with emotions forms a magnetic force.
Think positive and abundance will increase
Whatsoever is of good report, think on these things
Commitment always finds a way for success, be committed to our cause
Magnetism is the power of attracting. Attracting is an irresistible force, a captivating energy.
Attract information based on empowerment. An event can be a magnetic force for marketing and promotion of anyone, anyplace, anything, anytime
What you wear can be a magnet.
Mass times velocity equals momentum. M X V = MV
Thoughts times emotions equals magnetic force. T X E = M F
Positive Thoughts Increase
Thinking is a matter of choice
Ten (10) spies shut down a nation.
The Force of a Magnet can be increased.
"Great Minds Encounter violent opposition from mediocre people." Albert Einstein
To make and atom positive you decrease the negative electrons. Induce magnetism
Learn to think in terms of others, wants, needs, and desires.
Increase thinkers. There will always be enough.
Giving puts one in touch with a mysterious force called the law of attraction.
Giving creates a magnetic force.
Let go of fear. Fear will pass. Let go and let God. Doubt never accomplished anything.
Where you place your attention accomplishes anything
When fear arrives in thoughts, use the fear to switch to good. Say "Switch" as a trigger for the mind and practice this technique.
Glorious spirit overcomes fear. Fear has to be managed.
Be aware and pro-active.
Know there are higher forms of power and organizations.
Be a Spiritual Educator and Life Trainer. Be awakening of others through involvement which is synergy.
Events and results equal outcome. E + R = O
If O is not liked change R and do not blame E.
Determine how people feel not think. Shifts do occur.
Law of Vacuum. One can not replace a negative without a positive to take the place. LOVE equation is the Law of Vacuum Equality.
Imagine reality. Reality will change to match the image and creates Perception Shift. Perception can and will shift if one imagines the reality of it.
Benjamin Franklin was also committed to a higher level of consciousness. You too can make a difference in the world through creativity by first imagining the perception and achievement.
Improve by rehearsing you brain. Come to learn the synergy effect and meetings of like minds.
Visualize and Reinforce goals.
Brainstorm separately and together. Opinionated people breed separation. Planets instead of Universes. Single and whole makes a universe.
Plan growth, expansion, and investment and income follows. Investment and Income is the result of success.
One must demonstrate commitment on self actualization. Self discipline brings order to chaos in all beings and all things. Commit to right choices.
No expectations except those desired through choice. Do not expect difficult challenges and meet them head on.
Reward for supporters of success is illumination as light overcomes dark.
Vision is limited by one´s own illumination process. Life is a process. Learning to live and living to learn is the Ascension Center Education motto for Life Coaches and Ascension Clergy called Reverends. there are many in the ET UFO Community that are assisting in creating conferences for the good of the global community. Common interests in the mysteries of life dealing with science, physics, metaphysics, the laws of nature, and the laws of being are being used in the body=mind=spirit holistic expositions. What was once termed ECO Expos and Whole Life Expos are cooperating and combining terms in this new global economic and environmental interests worldwide. One can hear the terms the Two E's are a concern among the world leaders.
There are laws of magnetism when it comes to emotional bonds of the ascension sentient intelligent species. We will evolve away from the lower level emotions. These will include the need for stereo typing being by lifestyles and cultures but, this will take time. Until such time, we will have to learn to live with our differences.
The negative and positive seminar and lecture has been given since the creation. Many people have heard this lecture. This has been given by the creator Theresa Thurmond at the Eco Expo held in California and the Whole Life Expo held in New York in the early 1990's. This copyrighted lecture has helped many people throughout the years prior to Internet shares through what was termed the World Information Network (WIN) and was updated to Global Information Network (GIN). The information is still used today in motivational lectures. We have two sides and the truth is in the middle to be discovered.
A law of this land has to do with clergy being called by God directly. I speak to many beings who believe they have the divine right to be clergy based on their perception that they were called by God to do spiritual work in this world. I am considered a Reverend of Ascension Center and have been since 1990. No one has questioned my authority ever. I have had laying on of hands by the preacher of the Unity Church in Houston in 1985 and this was done in front of thousands of members while Stephen Halpern was there as well. I have been given many church callings as a reverend by the laying on of hands.
I was asked to take over the ministry for then 104 year old Reverend John Crystal Morris who lived to be 108 years and 11 months. I agreed to take over his writing ministry and to feed his sheep through writing. This is now my calling. Who is to say that I am not called by God if I believe this and I know that my eternal essence is composed of both male and female energy and left and right brain documented abilities mapped out in my mind like others. The last part to occur in our growth has to do with matching up our mental ways with our physical ways. Our spirit comes either in male or female dominant ways as spirit and essence to our beings. Who is to say that transgenders did not simply have a crossing over. This will be proven in the future. We will all have some education and science to accept in this age of revealing.
My brother David Patrick Thurmond died of aids. This was very public in Houston, Texas.
David's only regret was not having a bonded union with a companion who he could love while here on earth. I vowed to share my this energy and desire of his to others. This means accepting all creations of God, a higher power, the creator, the energy in the Field of Origin or whatever one wants to call the force that created the original magnetic law that holds all things together.
If I could bring my brother back and change the laws for beings who want to be bonded legally in a civil union on earth I would. The Ascension Center came as an answer to serve others in spirit. I wanted to help others. My sister, Brenda Thurmond Thomas became an RN when David died. His death meant more purpose for his sisters. Wendy Thurmond Finley is David's twin sister. Wendy and Brenda are singers and minsters through music and a healing spirit way of being in balance with all they meet. They are guiding angels in many ways. We all should be better at who we are assisting others in balance of every day life while here on earth.
Balance in life and everything in moderation is supposed to assist each of us as an individual being. "We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be." a quote at an old Cherokee Feast of days.
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We need to have faith in the future of science regarding the investment of our money. When does the responsibility of the whole become involved with the rights of the one? We must learn how to govern the WE and the I in all of us at the same time leaving room for creativity, discovery, exploration, innovation, and future advancement of the human race as a species. We are expanding at the same time the universe is expanding. Extraterrestrial expansion of how we accept future life in space is the next global horizon. ET Human intervention is expected to occur prior to December 21, 2012 11:11
Who do we trust with our future? Do we go along the way things have been in the past even if they have failed. Some entities were thought to be "Too Big To Fail" and did.
We need some changes in the way our elected officials are governed and scrutinized during their positions that they hold. Personnel and Information Security is important when it comes to our elected officials and their positions of authority and power.
America is a world leader in trade and commerce among other things. We have recently proved this with the economic bubble that has been deflated recently. We share the future payments for this bubble as tax payers in America. But, are we making the right decisions to put money into the old ways? These corporations that were too big to fail did. Now, that being said, it seems like a common sense issue to not fan the flames of failure. There are many of us tuned into more than just the human level of achievement.
In order to continue building the global community we will need some basic guidelines. These will incorporate both science and faith. Balance is the key to our economic global community future. Goodwill is still an important part of the equation. If we cannot obtain some guidance from the world leaders, we shall obtain if from higher sources. Some of the past rules have been created by those with low levels of thought.
For example, the International triple A rating system that involved goods and services needs to be seriously restructured. The analysts, and accountants are following the accepted moral majority guidelines. We need some definite rules and laws not only on the books but enforced. We need to get a handle on who is handling our money and credit affairs along the road. There are roads we have created that run two ways both up and down, bull and bear. There are languages that only certain people use in the world of trade and commerce. Some of us have a conscience and some turn a blind eye to their conscience.
International Marketing and Manufacturing is a major part of the Global Community future. Business and Social Entrepreneurs are a big part of the future. There will need to be some directors who are aware of how the world works together with all governing nation states laws and regulations. The Internet is a perfect example of the Global Community and how we should all learn to govern ourselves for the good of the whole and the future success for the one individual to live and survive with a living wage.
We all need the moral integrity enhanced to understand this world with economic sanctions. This is a consume driven world and now we must also consider the future of not only the economy but the environment. The TWO E's or we shall be dealing with another E known as ETs' in a larger than life that exist way of being on earth.
Opinions are important and we may all be changing our own based on our past. We can also learn from our past and make changes for a better future. This takes time, planning, knowing, persistence, and action. There are some steps we can all plan on using in the global community. There will be variations on a theme based on continents and nation states however, there is still one basic that all nations, governments, leaders, and rulers, understand. That is a better future in the global economy. This is the one basic common denominator for all that includes the entire species on planet earth. We may need to revamp the political parties or start all over again. We know that the general critical mass populace of the world is now tuned into society using the main line of information and communication about our government. No more room for being conned by corporations.
We need to have those who actually know the bills and read them before they are passed. How many of the leaders that we vote into office actually read the bills that are approved? How many know that there are parts of the bill that need to be left out because the articles and lines of interested parties throwing in some issues are not relative to a certain bill of concern by the voting American citizens and taxpayers?
We all know about the changes that occurred in the world that had to do with the economy. There is a science and faith in this questionable past that we all created but some more than others. We can now ask that our world leaders learn how to pass rules and laws that will be enforced. The key here is personnel and information security with law enforcement at the highest levels of creators in this game of life for humankind.
We all want freedom and democracy for all. But, with this sometimes, there is a balance between the rights of individuals and the rights of the whole species. There are now being addressed. We need to be bi-partisan when approaching the global community.
Wall Street and Main Street will only survive if we allow these institutions in our business and social worlds to continue. We are now more hesitant to invest in various corporations around the world.
Thanks to various beings who devised a sophisticated con game in the corporate world arena using sophisticated formulas the ball got away from the players. We got the ball back now. Yes we can fix the monetary system with rules, laws, statutes, and regulations. Also, a watchful intelligence security personnel system in personnel and information security. There is such a thing as "Goodwill Value" in corporation stock. Whether one is aware of this makes no difference when one can afford an attorney to explain corporate law and investments to a person. But many people do not go to attorneys about investments. They have gone to stock brokers and investment bankers instead. Now, the formula for law and order has to be restructured to apply to how stock holders are approached. Also, how government entities and instruments are approached in the world. There are global community corporations that are taking their credit and losses and packaging them to look better to resell to other corporations.
This is similar to how the parties in politics such as the Democrats and Republicans package their deals in order to get Bills passed in America. This is why we have to look at the whole past way of doing business not just in America but how we all have packaged deals to other countries and vice versa. The larger picture is now falling upon the individual citizens to understand and pay the price for our worlds mistakes.
The world players on the top and top 1/3 of the rungs on the corporate world ladder were not blind to the game. They invented the game and allowed the younger B level Armani Suits in corporate America to sale their goods and services to investors. The packaging of certain stocks in the past bubble economy that recently burst is only one of the clues to what goes on in the stock markets around the world. This is not a new game just one that finally got away due to greed. Not one of the "Too Big To Fail" corporations in stock market exchange, securities exchange commission, or U.S. Treasury, Internal Revenue Services, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or the major intelligence corporations in the world would give into the seriousness of what would happen to the world when the greed and inflated numbers would finally be revealed as science fiction and not science. Now, there are news investigative reporters doing the stories because they realize that they have a responsibility to the critical mass populace, which has now lost faith in their reporting the truth.
The whole way that the world worked before this catastrophe on Wall Street and Main Street in the world happened. It happened, many of us understand why and how and the others that were not aware of how the world works needs to learn.
The players and gamers of this game of life have many different levels and some are creating new levels. The players that make the new levels have been running amuck.
This was part of the problem. There is a schism and some major division between that which should be regulated by governments and that, which should be left up to individuals. In other words, how much are we responsible for accepting as our own fault and what fault will be blamed on those in charge of overseeing the goodwill, rules, regulations, laws, and statutes in the world.
We have governments of the collective to decide for the good of all. The democratic society that we live in in America is the perfect example of the best governing life on earth. We should use America as the template and format for our future global community business and marketing plan. However, we have some holes in the template that need to be filled with some basic regulations for the monetary institution with rules, regulations, revised statutes, and laws before we proceed to have the whole global community allow us to lead the future global community.
Therefore, we must understand more that we do presently about how facades, fakirs, and false bubbles in the global economy can be created and learn from our mistakes. This must be fixed. It is a glitch in our American system. We can fix this and move forward. It is apparent that many of our trained young adults coming out of the colleges and universities are thinking that they are armed for business with the best and most recent knowledge and understanding. This is not true. They are not being taught common sense and how to use it.
Every being on earth is born with the inherited trait to know right from wrong. It is a feeling in their mental and physical body that houses the spirit. The spirit is attached to the soul or has a communication with the all there is of one essence. This one essence is attached to the over soul or the God particle that is in all things, all beings, all places. In other words, there is reality and awareness of the truth in all people, places, and things, created. This basic Oracle Truth 101 is reality.
Science, faith, and futures are only three words. Words as used in the world for information and communication are important. Investment is the act or result of investing that in most cases utilizes money.
We can invest in our children´s future and have faith that what we are investing in will bring us rewards and draw interest over time. What we choose to invest in generally requires money. In other words, we like to choose to put money to profitable use. Money makes the world go round. We are a species now based on investments, which requires faith in future investments. Science is a branch of knowledge.
Science according to the American Heritage College Dictionary, fourth edition is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Science is a word that means many things to many people. However, one may argue that science is the belief in things that can be seen felt, and understood in the material world. Faith may be termed that which cannot be seen in the material world. Faith can be belief that does not rest on material evidence. Faith is the confident belief in truth, value, and trustworthiness of people, places, and things. Faith can mean loyalty, to a person or thing. In Christianity, the theological virtue defined as a secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God´s will. This is also taken from The American Heritage College Dictionary.
We need to have faith in the future of science regarding the investment of our money. Money is the medium that can be changed for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market, including among its forms a commodity such as gold, an officially issued coin, or note, or a deposit in a checking account or other readily liquefiable account. The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government. Assets and property considered in terms of monetary value as wealth. This is out of the same dictionary and goes on for those who want to check the meaning.
How do we know whom to have faith about our future investment and money? This requires both faith and science. The combination of the two words is what is changing now in the world that we now call the Global Community.
The people who are the business and social entrepreneurs are already aware of how the formula is used.
For those who do not know about business it is strongly suggested that everyone learn the basics of how the world works and revolves around business. There is something called goodwill that can also be valued. The goodwill is how our businesses are perceived and can mean a lot in worth and trade. In other words, goodwill can go along with a brand name and logo. When one trust in goods and services that they had good results with they begin to have confidence in those goods and services. Therefore, they relate to the brand name and logo in trade.
There are educational courses taught all over the world in business. Right now, until we can come up with a better way to run the world, we are going to use the democracy and trade and commerce template that we have already built. It is presently working as the general synopsis and theoretical way to move forward. We can tweak it as we go along.
People in the world need people who believe and understand both the science and faith of how the business and social communities work in the world. This is why I chose to work in American Culture International Relations.
Oracles have an advantage in life of knowing things. Simply put we are known to John Q. Public as psychic mediums, clairvoyants, seers,and life coaches. Some of us became investigators and Investigative Reporters. Some are criminal forensic psych technicians. There are many ways to improve the mind and future of humankind. There are some who have been given higher levels of responsibility for assisting the world. There is trust involved. Some are confidence builders in others as Life Coaches. We can all use future confidence with trust and understanding now on earth about the future. We must decide to separate those which have good and honest intentions of assisting others in this world and those who are here for greed and to play a con game. The Flame of Truth is the all seeing and all knowing that can be found in the Akashic Field and the Field of Origin. Occasionally there are beings who are of the human species that can consult higher levels of energy that allow us to know when it is time to act in a certain way for the good of all. The overall outcome for the good of all becomes more important than that of the few. This can get complicated real fast and the watchers and overseers of truth will nudge their seers somewhat to remind people to push the rocks of the road of greed of some out of the way. Thus the age of revealing and revelation.
These days, people will have to have more proof about what is real and what is not in their own reality. This will be a long process for many. This is a time that has come to a point where some of us will rise to the occasion. There is a saying that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. This has been one saying that I incorporated into my own belief system while here on earth. But, I also have faith in a higher power that I choose to believe is not only faith but science. For the mass populace, I have a type of faith and scientific belief in the future of the sentient ascension intelligent beings species. I choose to believe in things that can not necessarily be seen and accepted by all others. Because I have kept an open mind, there has been knowledge and awareness allowed me through my own personal experiences.
It is time to share life experiences. Sharing, caring, and becoming aware is everyone's future. This is how we will all succeed and become supporters of success. We are all players in the game of life. Some of us are on various levels on the tree of life. There are many roles in life that make up a culture and a world for a reason. There is a higher purpose and plan and we are learning by exploring, and making mistakes along our way. There will be rocks in the road but some of us will leave a path and make a trail for others to follow. We can all assist others by sharing who we are with our experiences. Then we can allow others to make their own choices.
We have a few more abilities and credentials from beings who have decided somewhere down the line that we can be trusted. It is as simple as that from what I gather in the Akashic Field and Field of Origin. There are years of training and education we receive while on earth from standard public education of what is accepted as normal offered in public schools to training that is offered by those in certain circles and loops, and the metaphysical communities. In other words, there are ways to train others who desire to understand more about themselves and life in general while visiting earth. Whether beings choose to receive assistance from their own guides, angels, teachers, or God is a personal choice. There are certain beings on earth that can cross over from one plane of existence to the other. However, with this knowledge and awareness come certain responsibilities and obligations to truth and for knowledge gained and earned on earth.
We can make the world a better place by sharing the global community goods and services. We must make those who are not educated about business and corporations aware of how the future world will effect each individual. We must share food, goods, services, health and prosperity for all on the planet. Triple A rating can and should be applied to a way of life and not just a credit and corporate formula rating in the world.
Truth and trust is to be earned. Remember that faith, hope, charity, compassion, usually has nothing to do with greed for monetary wealth. Health and prosperity are the rights of all beings but, the many levels of having more rather than less can be earned on earth with the right directions, and formulas used for success. Share awareness with others and help others along this path called life and existence in this new found reality. We are all making the world a better place to live with action by putting one thought in a better place toward positive goals each day. Our minds never stop while we are alive on earth. Remember that we are all moving forward and expanding together. The universe is expanding and so are we each individually.
TJ Thurmond Morris, Author/Entrepreneur
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- Beaver Dam, Kentucky, United States
- I am one who enjoys solitude as a creative writer. I also am an event planner coordinator. I choose life projects carefully and am a business and social consultant for others. I am considered a Life Coach to some and a Psychic Medium to others. I like the metaphysicians and Pd.D types who choose to network information with me around the world. We are all about networking causes and interests to make this world a better place for all.